Profile by Sanford Days 69-74

I know I know...I have been MIA!!
Last week was crazy busy with work and some vacation days off of work.
I have no idea what I ate...other than I stayed on PLAN about 98%

Challenges: My mom was in town Wed-Sun and that should not have been a challenge since she is a Profiler as well....but she is in the Sustain phase and we did not have a lot of fruit or carbs for her to consume. She mostly had what I had with a few exceptions. BUT the biggest challenge is that she and the 5yo made cookies on Saturday...and not just any cookie...her famous AMA Monster cookies...So yes I did finally cave and had a bite of one on Saturday (right out of the oven) and I had another whole one split over the day on Sunday. This was actually a win for me...because over the course of two days I had 1.5 cookies...any other time, I would have had 3-4 a DAY! They have peanut butter and oats in them...almost like a breakfast cookie...but not!

I also had planned to work out while she was know with free childcare. But the 1 yo was inconsolable this weekend. She was either teething or she is coming down with a cold...but she would wail every time I left the room. I had hoped to work out during her naps...but she didn't sleep long on Saturday after we got back from Costco and then she fell asleep in my mom's arms on Sunday and when I went to lay her down...she didn't go back to sleep.

This coming week will be difficult with 2 work lunches and a reception for a co-worker.

Wins: I took part of Friday off to spend some 1 on 1 time with mia madre. We went to a movie(Big Fat Greek Wedding 2) and I snuck in my profile fiber drink, bar, and some pistachios instead of pop and popcorn. We also went shopping in a couple of boutiques that I would normally have to sit on the sideline of...or just shop the jewelry, because nothing would have fit me...but I found things in BOTH stores to buy!!
In the first store I was able to buy things in a regular women's XL size. The second store, for some reason I was still apprehensive about buying in a smaller/regular size and I ended up buying things in XXL or 2X. Which I realize now was it is too big. But one was a hoodie the bagginess is still okay. The other shirt is one that is tight on the arms but loose throughout the regardless of size I think it would have looked the same. I did buy a pair of pajama pants in a women's XXL which might end up being too big...but they are PJ who cares.

Weight: -29.86 I can't quite bring myself to say 30 until I officially hit it.


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