Profile by Sanford Day 183

Stayed home this day due to my stomach bug. Was not a pleasant day.
I had one shake,
one bowl of Profile Cereal with almond milk,
some cheese,
some celery with PBP PB,
a bar and
a cup of miso soup.

On the bright side final negotiations for the sale of our house are now complete!! Just waiting for my realtor's assistant to load them online to be e-signed.

Also while I was out of the office, my standing desk was installed. I am standing at it now.
I think I will need to ease myself into this so I don't cause myself knee and back issues. It's no treadmill desk, (HG), but it's the best I can do at this job.

I have been standing now for the last 45 mins and needed to sit down while I chatted with a coworker. I am thinking about starting out doing 1 hour intervals until I can work my way up.

Weight is down again today...which is awesome...but I have also ate very little and had "other" issues that contributed...please remind me of this statement if my weight spikes next week!!. - 63.15


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