Profile by Sanford Days 288-290
So sorry to be slacking this week. Work has been extra busy and the kiddos seem to be extra needy this week. I also have been a bit of a slug....not exercising all week until this morning. Food challenges EVERYWHERE I turn. I am getting a bit frustrated with myself and my lack of motivation and progress. Food: Monday: Had the Protein Power Plate at Zoe's Kitchen. (Chicken Breast over cabbage and onions) Tuesday: Asian Meatballs over Cauliflower rice a mixed Asian salad/slaw Wednesday: Pot luck at work. Greenbeans, Sloppy Joe meat, meatballs, raw veggies Challenges: POT LUCK AT WORK.....AGAIN!!! I walked away from all of the nasty stuff at the actual lunch...but the leftovers were put in the break room and when I went in there for water, I took a bite of cake frosting....ugghhh!! And I wonder why the scale isn't moving...Geez Louise, Meggs! Get a clue! Still have those darn brownies in the house too. I should just throw them out. The 6yo doesn't seem to ever want on...