Profile By Sanford Days 264-266

Friday: Lunch at Smashburger. Had the spinach and goat cheese salad with grilled chicken.
Saturday: Lunch at Planet Sub. Had the Planet Sub romaine wrap hold the mustard and cheese.
Dinner my hubby made me a mixture of butternut squash zoodles, brussel sprouts, peas, and another veggie I can't was pretty good!
Sunday: Fish taco lettuce wraps and asparagus.

Challenges: Lunch at Smashburger...wanted fries, wanted Hagen Daz shake, wanted anything but a salad...but alas. The crappy thing is that it comes with so much crap on it...seeds/nuts/cheese/dried cranberries/dressing on the side. So once I eat around the seeds and nuts and use no dressing because the cheese already counts as my fat...what is left? Spinach, Cucumbers, Chicken and Goat Cheese.
Promised my daughter ice cream...and of course we go into the ice shop that makes their own cones and amazing homemade mixed in ice cream flavors. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
Lunch at Planet Sub. My oldest always BEGS for cheetos. We eat there so infrequently that we do allow that junk once in awhile. Luckily I am more a fan of the cheesey puffs than the hard crinkley cheetos. But my hubby ordered the toddler a PB&J...I can't tell you how many times I licked real PB off my fingers....more than I should have...that's for sure! Sunday the older one had a birthday party...regular cake AND ice cream cake...I did just drop her off and then high tailed it out of there...but got a call that she hurt her toe and wanted me to come back. Of course I was on the other side of town...and by the time I got there she was fine...and being served cake. Ughhh...plan is foiled again. I tried to stand as far away from her as possible so I wouldn't sneak a bite from her plate!

Exercise: Friday didn't happen and neither did I guilted myself into walking with a neighbor on Sunday morning. We went an hour later than normal so I did get a little bit more sleep. Up this morning at the regular time. I am going to TRY to get up and start when they do at 5:15 this week...okay maybe 5:30...I should take baby steps. Cuz in a few weeks when the time changes...I will be in a world of hurt.

Coaches Suggestions: We talked about my semi stalled weight loss and how frustrated I was that now that I am actually exercising regularly...the weight seems to be holding on for dear life. We talked about my schedule and she said that by getting up at 5:30 and not eating(having first shake) until well after body was going into starvation mode first thing during the day. We found a compromise that would help me on the days I exercise and hopefully not leave my hangry in the afternoon. I am to borrow 1 oz of my dinner time protein and move it to the morning. So either an Egg when I get back from my walk, or a shake on the way into work and then substitute a small portion of FF cottage cheese for my 1st or  2nd morning shake.

I had an egg yesterday and will do the cottage cheese thing today. We will see if that kicks anything into gear.

Weight: no change...yet: - 76.82


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