Profile By Sanford Days 338-340

I have tried very hard to stay on plan since last weekend's shenanigans.
I ran out of shakes before my meeting yesterday so I had to use my fall back soups that I bought for my husband (but that he never eats). It was the 25g Broccoli Cheese Soup. Not for everyone based on the 25gms. But the profile store manager said that if I wanted to try the 25g products, that I should just count it as 2 shakes. I wasn't really looking forward to it since it meant not being able to have either of my 2 shakes, which I have come to love as my morning latte and my before bed "hot cocoa." But as Profile soups go, this one is soooo the best one. Since it was so filling and I was having it WITH my lunch (1 slice of whole grain bread, chicken salad, and spinach) I couldn't even eat the whole thing. Which I decided was a good thing since that meal would have consisted of 3/4 of my protein for the whole day. I saved half of the soup for dinner and boy am I glad I did. Dinner I made my own soup concoction that consisted of 1/2 a serving of the Broc/Cheese Soup, chicken broth that I strained off of my kid's homemade chicken noodle soup(they don't like the broth anyway), left over roast beef, and extra pieces of broccoli. It reminded me of the soups that we used to get from the Whole Foods soup bar when we "thought" we were eating healthy. I also then used my bars in replacement of the times I would have had my chocolate shakes. I did have a "OMG...I'm Starving!!" moment in the late afternoon when I would have normally been reaching for my afternoon bar. But I compensated with a hand full of carrots and a hand full of snap peas. Both probably too high on the "carb" list...but like my coach once said...I would rather you be reaching for a handful of carrots in a moment like that then a snickers bar or something similar.

Still a semi-sloth with good intentions:) Tuesday, I did get up and do a warm up, buns and thigh, and cool down workouts from our Playstation Fit in Six Game. And also went to yoga over lunch. Wednesday I woke up and put on my workout clothes intending to workout (I had the day off) but was so busy running around getting stuff done, I never got a workout in.  
Today I also have my workout clothes on and am working from would think working from home would make exercising and water consumption easier...but I am always putting it off. Like its right there...I can do it any time...but I never do. Today I will though. I am going to put it in my calendar and block it off.

Weight: So HUGE surprise here...after my weekend of indulgences...I spiked. But after two days, I was back down with even a little extra to spare. Coach says the spike could have easily have been water retention from the alcohol and that snapping back into the routine and getting my exercise in did (and will continue to) help with bringing me back to "normal". - 94.2


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