Profile by Sanford ..Month 15 (preparing for Maintenance)
Well holy cow...I have certainly fallen off the face of the earth haven't I?
This new job is much more demanding than my last one. So blogging in the AM before starting my work day has not been possible. Even this entry has taken my hours to finish due to interruptions:)
I continue to walk with my neighbor ladies at least 4 times a week. I have been to Yoga a few times since I started in late January. I did buy myself the "Simply Fit Board" for indoor workouts. The DVD has 6 different 10 min work outs...I have only ever gotten through 2 or 3 in one sitting...but I hope to work my way up to all 6 for a really good routine. Again, work demands have been brutal to my exercise routines. Not to mention the food issues. MULTIPLE lunch meetings with ONLY pizza offered. Not even a salad. Luckily with the 3 step of Adapt that I am on allows for multiple starch servings. So I try to adapt. But may my sugar cravings have NOT subsided. I am still reaching for...