Profile by Sanford Month 13+

Well I held myself to task a bit. I did strength training with bands in my living room twice last week. I wanted to do a third, but was soooo sore. I stayed to plan about 95% of the time. Occasional bites of my kid's treats.

I am concerned though that through this change my body does not digest things well after not having them. I have it narrowed down to either Dairy or Gluten as the repeat offender. Though technically I am not supposed to be having dairy...some of my fats and freebies come from the dairy families. Cheese, FF sour cream, FF cream cheese. But I have been eating those all along. The only NEW thing added has been starch in the form of bread. So I am concerned now that I have a Gluten sensitivity. I won't go into they are rather unpleasant...for everyone. I try to limit my bread intake to every other day. Focusing more on potatoes, sweet potatoes, and steel cut oats.

But as I am typing this I am eating my lunch which contains a slice of whole grain I will have to let you know tomorrow if my gut is reeking havoc.

I am still missing my 2nd shake of the day on Adapt 2. I have tried to rotate it between breakfast and before bed to determine which one I miss more. That hasn't worked. So I may continue on the rotate so that I am not having oats every morning and not missing out on my before bed routine.

I also think that adding the starches in made me slack/crave other carbs. So I was allowing myself a carb that wasn't on the approved list once in awhile (like those biscuits in a can) or a sugary bit of my kid's ice cream bar. Knowing full well I would only crave more. I also am starting to realize the carb cravings were my bodies response to PMS. Not something I had ever zoned in on before...because I would crave it ALL the time. So now, if I am in that week I will allow myself a bit once in awhile. But once that week is over I have to hit the ground running with lots more veggies and lots of exercise. Else I start down that nasty spiral again. All the diet cliches are actually making sense now.

I had given up on hitting that 100lb mark,,,but now it might actually happen.
Back to plan and luckily weight shows it: - 98.9


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