Profile By Sanford Day 1
Last night I packed my food for my day at work...only to realize I was double booked at lunch with a going away party at an Italian Restaurant and a 2 hour project meeting that was also serving Pizza. Arrrgghhhh. Snag 2 and 3 hit simultaneously.
Alright, First day out of the blocks...challenges will only continue. I can do this...right?! Okay "sorry, guy-I-have-sat-across-from-for-3 1/2 years, I can not attend your going away lunch because I have to attend this project meeting." Snag 2 diverted. I brought my lunch...and will eat it before the noon meeting. Snag 3 semi diverted...though the smell of pizza in the conference room might just piss me off.
So, so far today I have used one of the meal replacement shakes (Vanilla) and mixed it with plain Chai Tea. I forgot my measuring cup so I am not sure I got the water to mix ration was a little too thick for my liking and had that diet shake aftertaste...but at least I got my caffeine in with out needing my regular Chai Tea Latte.
My MOM diet also allows me 2 small servings of Starch and 1 Serving of dairy/dairy substitute. So I had one cup of Kashi Go-Lean Crisp cereal and 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk. I choose to hold my fat serving until lunch so I can have mayo on my burger.
For snack I have the 10g protein bar called Peanut Butter brownie. I liken it to an old super dried out Reese's Peanut butter cup in a bar format. Not super yummy...but I was hungry enough at snack time to eat it all without looking back. My MOM diet also allotted me one serving of I had about 1/3 of a Harry and David Pear....that was super yummy!!
For lunch I brought a Turkey Burger, 1 slice of whole grain bread to act as my bun, 2 small slices of cheese, a cup of spinach, 1/2cup of carrots, the rest of the pear, a container of lowfat yogurt, ketchup, mayo, and...SOB I left my salad dressing at my desk and I am in another building!!! A dry spinach salad...yuck!!
Okay snag is what I will do...use some of the spinach on my burger for crunch...cut up the pear into the the juice acts like a dressing.
Water intake for the day so far is about 5 glasses or 40 ozs. I really need to start using my bottles with the ounce markings on them...
My plan for the rest of the day is a snack as soon as I get home that will be a starch and a fruit; dinner of 1 protein, 1 starch, 2 veggies, 2 fats, 1 dairy; evening snack of 1 bar, 1 fat, 1 starch. FYI, the fruit, starch, and dairy are what got added with my MOM plan. Eric is only getting Supplements, Proteins, veggies, and fats.
Oh and I forgot to mention yesterday...Mr. Poor/Rich Man's Bradley Cooper told Eric to expect to loose 10lbs the first week...and my Ms. Amanda told me that the MOM plan will not ALLOW me to loose more than 1 or 2 lbs. Awesome...Should I just stop pumping this week?? Is it worth EmJ really getting the benefit of just a few ounces of BM a day??
Last statement of the day...the app
Only been using it for like 7 hours. It is pretty simple. Just check off the servings. But what I am missing and had with Weight Watchers App back in the day...was specifics on brands from their master database. Profile expects you to know what constitutes a serving. I would like to look up a particular brand, flavor, and size of yogurt and the app to tell me that it should count as 1 dairy and 1 fat....I shouldn't be guessing. Also I would like the app to be able to pull my pedometer readings off my Samsung watch or from my phone's pedometer app...I am not sure how to make that happen.
More to come...
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