Profile By Sanford Day 9

As of this morning I have lost 9.8lbs...I would say 10 just to round up...but my very first initial weigh-in I was wearing clothes, including a sweater and every weigh-in since has been either without clothes or with very little clothing...So I don't feel like I can really say 10lbs yet.

I started the day with a strawberry Profile shake blended with ice on my way out the door.
I was hungry by 9:15am but was able to hold out until about 9:45 to have my Hot Chocolate/Chai Tea shake.
At 11:30am I had my spinach salad with carrots and cucumbers, yogurt based dressing mixed with Panera poppy seed dressing(so I counted it as 3/4 of a fat) and one wedge of Laughing Cow Cheese, and a cup of Profile's Chicken soup made with broth. It is now 2:19 and I am hungry. I try to hold out until 3:30 to have a snack...but I will not make it that far today.

I did notice that I slept pretty hard last night (sans the baby waking up at 2:30am for the first time in months)...a quick diaper change and a rocking session and she was back to sleep pretty quick. I told myself I would have had to get up to pee anyway...

I also notice that I do have a bit more energy today...could it be that this healthy eating really does give you more energy...or was it my caffeinated Chai Tea mixed with my 2nd meal today?

Well my energy is draining so I am off to have my snack a bit early.

I am interested to know what Eric has planned for dinner tonight and look forward to my warm cup of Chocolate/PB hot chocolate for 6th meal.

I probably won't blog much over the more to come on Monday!
Have a great weekend!

Hey P.S. - I am noticing more hits than what my 2 friends who I already know are reading these...Please feel free to share and comment (be nice:) below...where are you from? Are you on the program...thinking of being on the program?...or just out phishing?


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