Profile by Sanford Day 78

Meal 1: Tea with 1/2 pack of Vanilla Profile Shake
Meal 2: Tea with 1/2 pack of Vanilla Profile Shake
Meal 3: Double Nacho Pasta with mashed Cauliflower and ground beef
Meal 4: Chicken and Veggie stir fry with Peanut Sauce (PB powder)
Meal 5: Frozen Chocolate Shake with Almond Milk and PBPowder

Still waiting to get the test results back from the many blood draws over the past few days...but I am pretty sure one of the issues I have is low iron. Hence the additional ground beef at lunch. I also counted it as a fat and ate it instead of my bar. Probably against all plan rules. But I am feeling pretty drained lately.  I do take a supplement...but maybe I am low in Vitamin C as well which helps absorb the iron. Or maybe it is all in my head:)

My coach gave me a long list of iron rich foods...mostly dark meats and livers...ughh...that won't happen. I do eat a lot of Spinach salads...but spinach is high for a vegetable...but not really that high in general.

I also have not had the time or energy to work out. Only real exercise I did this past week was the walk I took with the baby on Tuesday evening. Tonight it is going to be cold! So hopefully it will warm up enough this weekend to get outside.

Food Reviews:
I needed more caffeine on this I had two full cups of tea and used the Vanilla mix more like a creamer. I have seen my mom do this with coffee and it seemed like a good idea! I liked it enough to do this while at home. At work I still do the one tea with entire packet since I can't seem to get in two separate shakes in the morning as it is...(hence all the double Nacho Pastas at lunch!)
Though I still like the Nacho Pastas...I am taking a break from them for a few days. I bought up all of the beef stews during their buy one get one free deal I will be having that for lunch until at least next Tuesday when our local Store is running their 1 year anniversary sale with 30% off everything.

Weight: didn't weigh this morning as per my every other day "rule".
BUT I did decide to break out my jeans that are a size smaller than I have been normally been wearing and they fit pretty great...even for new jeans which can sometimes feel a little tight until you have warn them in...these were comfy right out of the gate. So yea for smaller jeans!!

More to come...


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