Profile by Sanford Days 79-81

Meal 1: Chocolate Shake with Tea
Meal 2: Beef Stew and Shake with salad and yogurt dressing, cucumbers and 1 LFLC Cheese
Meal 3: Bar
Meal 4: Chicken breast and Brussels with Balsamic
Meal 5: Frozen Chocolate Shake with PB Powder and Almond milk

Weight: -32.06
Meal 1: 2 cups of tea with Vanilla shake as creamer
Meal 2: Hot Profile Chocolate Shake
Meal 3: Profile Pizza, shredded cheese, celery and PB Powder PB, and 1/2 fiber drink
Meal 4: Chick fil a grilled nuggets, chick fil a sauce, snap peas, and 1/2 fiber drink
Meal 5: bar and hot shake

Meal 1: Chocolate Shake with Tea
Meal 2: Profile beef stew, veggie lasagna, cheese, brussel sprouts
Meal 3: Frozen shake and Bar
Meal 4: Hamburgers, Ketchup, 1 LFLC Cheese, Asparagus and balsamic and fiber drink
Meal 5: Frozen shake with PB Powder

Damn "Book It" Pizza Hut Pizza coupons. Got the 5yo her Book It Pizza Friday smelled so amazing...and this time it looked JUST as good. I went home and had a Chicken Breast and Brussel Sprouts, but due to soccer practice and having to feed both kids and COOK the brussels...I didn't end up eating dinner until like 9pm.

Chick-fil-a...we ran out of time running from here to there on Saturday, I caved to my daughter's begging to go to Chick-fil-a. I got her original chicken nuggets and the baby and I split the grilled nuggets. I did have a Chick-fil-a sauce which I know is bad and counted it as a FAT AND a FREEBIE.

Costco samples...Eric and I caved on Sunday and split a sample. It was soooo good. I didn't look at the packaging so I will have no way of knowing what it was. So as not to crave it later.

Food Reviews:
Profile Beef Stew. I thought it was really good the first time I had I stocked up with 12 servings on their last BOGO day. But man, I am starting to regret that. The fact that it is shelf stable meat should have turned me off to begin with...and some of the meat is not very well trimmed. Later, I also realized there is a tiny bit of mushrooms in it...not a fan of mushrooms AT ALL.
It will be fine to have once in a while...but not a daily thing. I need to come up with a new lunch go to...even if I just go back to shakes.

On Saturday morning I was down 32.06. I weighed myself again this morning and it was back up a couple of pounds so I jumped off before it registered. I did NOT need to start a Monday off like that:)

More to come...


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