Profile by Sanford Day 119

Regular shakes and bar and water throughout the day
Cucumbers with 2 LFLC cheese
Celery with PBP PB

Chicken Meatballs
Green Beans
Chick-fil-a sauce

I had hoped to walk during kiddo's dance class tonight...but Target was calling...literally...I had scripts to pick up...and birthday presents to buy. I did try to walk at a pretty fast pace while in Target because I wanted to try to get another errand ran during my 45min window. But my husband texts me after I was already done on the food side that he needed some energy drinks and vitamin water zero. So I literally ran from one side of the store to the other. I actually needed to at this point because I was running late to pick up the kiddo at dance. So maybe not the exact workout I needed...but I was out of breath by the time I got to checkout. And the baby was thrilled at the fun ride in the cart.
***BUT I did set my alarm this morning(Day 120) for 5am and did 2 miles on the treadmill before work***so win! It helped that a very loud Thunderstorm started right after I hit the snooze button. So I knew there was little chance of me falling back to sleep. Now done with Episode 2 of House of Cards...ugh this show drives me nutz...he is such a manipulative @$$#0!3. Well I guess so is she...but as a feminist I have to root for her a little.

Food reviews:
The hubs bought a different kind of meatballs. Teriyaki and Pineapple. Normally I would have given him grief for buying one with FRUIT in it (since it's not Profile Approved)...but he was home with a Migraine so I decided it wasn't worth mentioning.  

Weight: No BM = No I have been weighing in everyday since Saturday and I promised to stop doing it daily. I needed to take a break.


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