Profile by Sanford Day 135

2 bars and 2 shakes and a Pizza

Lunch: Profile Pizza with Cheese, BBQ Sauce and Chicken added and a salad with dressing
Dinner: Chicken Salad lettuce wraps

Challenges: You already know my issues with exercise. But I did get on the treadmill for 2 miles today....and another episode of House of Cards...OMG I can't believe what happened in this episode!
I went fast enough to sweat. Working from home cuts my walking down quite a even with 2 miles on the treadmill I didn't even break 7000 steps. But better than the 2000-3000 I have been getting the past few days. I hope to break 10,000 today with a walk a lunch and walking to the Stadium for a Sporting KC game tonight.
I ran out of shakes today because my meetings with my coach vary between Wednesdays and Thursdays. So when I go eight days...I am short. Hence the two bars.

Food: My pizza concoction was awesome! Hubby made me a chicken salad with FF miracle whip, jicama and celery and some seasonings...and it was YUMMY. Hardly missed the grapes and nuts I usually crave in my chicken salad.

Weight: I weighed in today was a no-weigh day:)

With Memorial Day looming and house guests with birthday celebrations...I am afraid I might falter a bit this weekend.

Good Luck to the rest of you! Stay the course...


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