
Showing posts from November, 2016

Profile by Sanford Days 316-322

Imagine my surprise when after the Thanksgiving Holiday where I indulged quite a bit...and only exercised 2 days out of my 5 day holiday weekend that I saw a nearly 5lb loss?!?! But alas, my excitement was short lived. Turns out the scale got bumped up onto the wall and was partially obscured by the bathroom floorboard/quarter-round. I was so excited there for a minute...but I reweighed myself on profile #4 after my walk this morning and it was back up to where it was before I should really be thrilled that I was able to MAINTAIN during this holiday. And I don't know why I didn't reweigh on MY profile #1 to wipe this one away. Maybe I thought it WAS right and I didn't want to "clear it." But now that I have had caffeine and it is not 5:15 in the morning, and I am thinking more I will contact my coach to have to cleared. My hubby, though he grumbled about it a couple of times, did me a solid and made a Profile semi-friendly T...

Profile by Sanford Days 311-315

Last Thursday morning after walking with my neighbor, I felt extremely sluggish. Something was just not right. When I came inside, I sat in the bathroom for a while thinking I was going to throw up. After a while I took a shower and then laid down on my bed, still in a towel, and passed out for like 2.5 hours. It was very bizarre. I had even eaten a little bit before my walk so as not to have a grumbling stomach during the walk...not sure if that was the cause or a medication/vitamin timing was off, or I was fighting(and maybe won) a bug coming on. I felt pretty low about my first week on adapt...weight seemed to hold steady and then jump up a little. But these last two days it seems to be trending down again. So my spirits are up leading into Thanksgiving week. I hope to walk a little extra on Wed, Thurs, and Fri of this week. Also my goal for Thanksgiving is to focus on veggies and faux fixings found on the Profile Recipies page. My mother is coming today and I hope that she will ...

Profile by Sanford Days 309-310

Adapt food changes include (for me) an extra fat serving, and extra 2 oz of lean protein, a fruit and a starch. Two less shakes and one more bar. My starches have been a small individual bag of skinny pop popcorn, a slice of whole wheat bread, or a sandwich thin. My fruits have been either a half of a banana or apple. Extra protein has been just chicken or an omelet. My extra fat is usually cheese. I am still working on a meal schedule. The meals are different sizes...smaller(bars)...bigger lunch...getting more like 3 meals with snacks instead of 6 meals....but I am still trying to space them out every 2-3 hours. I feel like I am eating all day. Exercise: Been walking in the mornings for around 1 hour and getting my 10,000 steps in everyday that I do get up and walk. I usually try to get up 5 days a week. I also went to Yoga yesterday over lunch. Weight:  - 86.3

Profile by Sanford Day 305-308

Food: Trying to find the lowest carb starches to curb any Adapt weight gain... Found the low carb wrap at Muscle Maker Grill. Whole Wheat Pizza crust was probably not a good choice last week. Eating whole honeycrisp apples should be stopped as I need to measure them. I had popcorn on Saturday. I don't think I even cashed in my starch yesterday now that I think back...maybe that is why I was SOOOO hungry last night. I need to go back to writing everything down until I get back into the swing of things. It is odd...but I am actually missing my shakes. Only having one in the morning and one at night is causing me to miss them during the day. Funny how much of a creature of habit I have become. Exercise: Got my steps in Friday and Saturday. Took Sunday off to sleep in. I have gone from 4 days a week now to a consistent 5 days a week on average. If I miss a morning during the week due to family obligations or oversleeping, I will make it up on the weekends. NSV: I am wearing ano...

Profile by Sanford Day 304

Second full day of ADAPT. I had a shake with tea for breakfast Then mid morning bar and apple For lunch I had a very large salad with spinach, snap peas, broccoli, and broccoli slaw with a scoop of FF Cottage Cheese and some nonfat/low carb dressing. For another snack I had celery with PBP Peanut Butter Late afternoon snack of a bar Dinner I had my first SANDWICH in 10 months! I used the yogurt chicken salad(the one from Costco) with extra chicken added, spinach, 1 laughing cow cheese, and a SANDWICH thin!! I was actually unsure if the sandwich thins are allowed yet...but will ask at my appt tomorrow. Took a bite of the kids' cupcakes as I was throwing the last of them away to get them out of the house. I counted it as a FAT:)...I know I know...that's not legit...but last night I didn't care. Ended my night with a hot chocolate shake. Challenges: I have really wanted a glass of wine the last few days. I know alcohol is not approved, but my coach has said that I...

Profile by Sanford Days 302-303

My starches the last two days were popcorn on Monday evening and last night I had 2 small pieces of whole wheat crusted pizza. (probably not approved and I will regret it later this week on the scale). First week of adapt is difficult. I feel hungry not having my timing worked out yet. It isn't even lunchtime yet...but I need to go have something as my stomach is turning. Maybe the whole wheat crust from last night isn't setting right. Though I am pretty sure that ISN'T the real reason. I am sorry this is going to be a short post today. I don't feel well/up to this. I just don't think there is enough Zoloft or Xanax in the world to get through my mood today. But I am aware of my moods affecting my food choices. There was chocolate drizzled kettle corn in the breakroom this morning and I had a mouth full while grabbing some cucumbers to get me through the morning with only a bar between morning shake and lunch. I know I should have had my fruit serving this m...

Profile by Sanford Days 291-301

WOW what a long time I have gone without a single post! Soooo Sorrry! Lots has happened though. Halloween was the WORST...candy, cupcakes, more cupcakes, did I mention CANDY...chocolate, peanut butter...the whole damn shebang! But get this...the week of Halloween was one of my biggest LOSES week yet. I lost 3.1 pounds between 10/28 and 11/4. I think I guilted myself into exercising a TON more due to missing several workout sessions previously and knowing that bites of kids cupcakes and candy were going to be my demise. Two separate neighbors brought us 4 cupcakes each!!!Technically only the 6yo should be eating all 8 cupcakes...I think my husband and I have had enough bites each to where we have consumed 1 each. The baby is only 21 months and should not be having this kind of sugar. I think she has only had the frosting off of 1/2 a cupcake. I told the 6yo that the 2-3 left are going in the trash I can no longer handle them sitting there. One of the same neighbors al...