Profile by Sanford Days 302-303

My starches the last two days were popcorn on Monday evening and last night I had 2 small pieces of whole wheat crusted pizza. (probably not approved and I will regret it later this week on the scale).

First week of adapt is difficult. I feel hungry not having my timing worked out yet. It isn't even lunchtime yet...but I need to go have something as my stomach is turning. Maybe the whole wheat crust from last night isn't setting right. Though I am pretty sure that ISN'T the real reason.

I am sorry this is going to be a short post today. I don't feel well/up to this.

I just don't think there is enough Zoloft or Xanax in the world to get through my mood today. But I am aware of my moods affecting my food choices. There was chocolate drizzled kettle corn in the breakroom this morning and I had a mouth full while grabbing some cucumbers to get me through the morning with only a bar between morning shake and lunch.

I know I should have had my fruit serving this morning...(I have always known this) but eating apples makes me hungrier. I love their taste...but it's like chinese food...30mins later I am starving. So I save it for lunch when I am eating a larger meal of vegetables and protein.

Weight: - 86.5


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