Profile by Sanford Day 305-308

Trying to find the lowest carb starches to curb any Adapt weight gain...
Found the low carb wrap at Muscle Maker Grill. Whole Wheat Pizza crust was probably not a good choice last week. Eating whole honeycrisp apples should be stopped as I need to measure them. I had popcorn on Saturday. I don't think I even cashed in my starch yesterday now that I think back...maybe that is why I was SOOOO hungry last night. I need to go back to writing everything down until I get back into the swing of things.
It is odd...but I am actually missing my shakes. Only having one in the morning and one at night is causing me to miss them during the day. Funny how much of a creature of habit I have become.

Exercise: Got my steps in Friday and Saturday. Took Sunday off to sleep in. I have gone from 4 days a week now to a consistent 5 days a week on average. If I miss a morning during the week due to family obligations or oversleeping, I will make it up on the weekends.

NSV: I am wearing another size smaller pant today. And we did new family photos on Sunday and I am actually excited to see them rather than dreading seeing them.

Weight...doing the hovering again. I guess I NEED to be happy that I am not spiking after moving to adapt: - 85.2


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