Profile by Sanford Day 149

5 months and 50lbs. I like the nice round numbers of it all!
So if this keeps up I could be down 100lbs by Turkey Day! Goal Set!

Breakfast: A double shake with tea
Lunch: Pulled Pork on a salad with Low Fat Ranch and BBQ sauce, side of green beans.
Dinner: Profile Chipotle Sausage Pizza (yea, they're BACK!!) with extra cheese and brussel sprouts with balsamic.
Snack: Frozen Shake with Almond milk and a Bar

We had a going away lunch for my boss' last day. The team chose to go out for BBQ. I was excited that I would be able to eat with them since meat on salad was an option! But boy, I missed having this places BBQ nachos. Of course the teammate who sat next to me ordered them! And the teammate across from me ordered the side of Mac & Cheese...he let me have a bit...just one pasta shell is all I took to get the desire out of my brain.

So we are still waiting for an offer on our house...I know only 3 days have passed...but I am so very anxious about this. I need to find an activity to keep my mind occupied. I shall walk today before it gets too hot! 91 degrees expected...Hopefully the in-law's hotel has a pool!

So I have been asked to do before and after photos...but technically they are before and "in progress" I don't plan to stop here!

So here ya go.

Weight: Non-weigh in day.


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