Profile by Sanford Day 155

Lunch: Spinach Salad with Panera Raspberry Vinaigrette and Cucumbers.
Dinner(kicked out of house again): Romaine and Kale Caesar Salad with Chicken from Panera

Seemed like a Panera kind of day!

Challenges: Showings at the house from 3pm-6:30pm means finding a place to eat out again! This time the girls and I went to Panera and I ordered the only salad without fruit on it! Man I miss fruit. It did have dressing and Parmesan "crisps". I gave most of the crisps to the toddler, but saved a few for the flavoring in my salad. I was so busy yesterday afternoon that I didn't get my snack in. So before bed I had a shake, bar and most of a fiber drink. I went to bed very FULL!

Food: I actually liked the salad from Panera...but again...salad after salad is driving me nuts. With two house offers on the table...I am not accepting any dinner time showings tonight. I want real FOOD!!

Weight: I brought our scale into the store to get my hubby's number to finally sync. Now mine isn't syncing...but the last time mine wasn't synced it was cuz previously mention toddler had disconnected the little white box from the modem. So I will check that tonight. But when I weighed in this morning I was down about another I am going to guesstimate -53lbs

Cross your fingers for a quick negotiation process for this house!!


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