Profile by Sanford Days 156-159

Been MIA again...but we are getting closer with the house deal and and starting to pack for our summer vacation.

I have been staying on plan...though it is been rough. Friday night my 6 yo had a end of the season pizza party at her soccer coaches house. I wouldn't have been tempted except the pizza place screwed up one of the pizzas and it was a Pan instead of hand tossed...OMG, I wanted a piece sooooo bad. I probably might have caved and had at least a bite if my hands weren't full with my toddler and I wasn't wearing my invisalign. A pain to take out and then brush before putting them back in! By the time I could get around to feeding myself...the pizza was cold...and I had to tell myself it was not worth it at that point.
Saturday we had to be out of the house again at dinner time for what I think will be our last showing now that we are under contract(knock on wood and spit twice). I was able to talk the 6yo into Chipotle. So I had a salad with carnitas, salsa and sour cream. Yes...probably way too much sour cream...but I was trying.
Sunday was Father's day and my hubby wanted to smoke some brisket and pork shoulder. So that was easy for me...with a side of asparagus and a little BBQ sauce. I was good to go.
This week should be relatively normal as far as routine goes. So I should be able to pack my veggie lunches and cook/reheat dinners at home.

I hope to get my weight down a little extra the next two weeks in order to be able to relax and enjoy the 4th of July Holiday...we'll see how that goes!
Our scale has had issues syncing but Hubby took it back to the store this morning and a weeks worth of weigh ins are on my screen again!

Weight: - 53.89 


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