Profile By Sanford Day 27
Today I ate:
Meal 1: Profile Chocolate Shake with Tea
Meal 2: Profile Cereal with Almond milk
Meal 3: Profile Chicken soup; Spinach Salad with romaine, carrots, and cucumbers and Profile Balsamic dressing, # more whole mini cucumbers with 1 LF LC Cheese
Meal 4: Fiber Gelatin and Bar
Meal 5: Steak, Brussel sprouts, and zucchini. I poured 1 tbls of Balsamic Vinegar on the veggies
Meal 6: Profile Chocolate Fudge Cake and 8 almonds
New Food reviews:
Fiber Gelatin...tastes like you would expect. I am not a huge fan of Jello to begin with so you are not going to hear rave reviews from me on gelatin either way. But I can say its tastes and looks like actual Jello.
Profile Chocolate Fudge Cake...of all of the items I should have asked for a sampling of it was this. I was not happy at all with the texture OR taste. It was very chewy and gelatinous. I was hoping for more of a brownie texture...but it is far from that. Since I have a whole box, I will be attempting to doctor this one up a bit. I will even consider eating it "raw" like brownie/cake batter. I also hope to find some recipes in order to try to use up this product. All and all I am pretty disappointed with the two desserts. So I think I will stick with the shakes for my late evening meal.
I didn't have many temptations/challenges yesterday...well except one. Kiddo bringing home her Valentine's Day party candy from school. Nothing in it peeked my interest except a Kit Kat. Eric said..."split it with ya"...and i don't think he was kidding. We didn't...but I wanted to. She also had a Bailey's (yes, Bailey's liquor) chocolate truffle in her stash...we were shocked anyone would hand that out to kids! She won't like it. Both of us would immensely enjoy it. Can't just throw it away. I think Eric got rid of it for me....but I am not sure. I just got up and walked away.
I met with my counselor this evening and showed her this blog...(Hi Amanda!!) She gave me a pep-talk similar to what Stephanie(Hi Steph!!) has been giving me. Stay the course. No one said this was going to be easy. Stay off the scale(i.e. don't weigh every day). Your doing great...all that jazz. And though it helps, it is hard to watch others around me CHEAT at this plan and still lose a lot more than me. Eric has already picked out his "half way to goal" reward.
I need to start exercising for reals if I am going to get this weight off. My plan today is to walk the halls of work's tech center. Still too cold outside. Tomorrow I hope to work out at home since I will be telecommuting and can get on the treadmill over lunch.
That's it for yesterday...
More to come.
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