Profile by Sanford Day 40

Meal 1 and 2: Double strawberry Profile Smoothie with ice and spinach
Meal 3: Profile Tomato Soup with 1 LFLC cheese and Balsamic Vinegar. Spinach, Cucumber, Snap Peas, Carrot salad with Honey Mustard Yogurt Dressing.
Meal 4: Bar
Meal 5:Stuffed chicken, Brussel Sprouts, Mashed Eggplant, and Balsamic Vinegar
Meal 6: Profile Cheesecake with Almond Milk, Lime Juice and, FF whipped topping.(accidentally made it with 8oz instead of it turned out to be more like a shake they a cheesecake...and too much lime juice kinda curdled the milk/cheesecake).
Definitely went over on my freebies on this I will cut back the next day.

Schedule was way off today due to a change in Kiddo drop off, meetings over lunch, and having to work late. I ate breakfast too early and lunch and dinner too late...which made for a very hungry mid day. Plus I didn't think ahead an make my fiber drink before leaving work. That would have helped a great deal I think.
So busy this day that I don't think I had nearly enough water. I can tell if I am ever thirsty.

Food reviews:
Nothing new except the accidental cheesecake shake.

I walked a lot more this day then normal.Hit 6000 steps without even trying. If I had more time in the evening instead of having to work late, I might have been able to get to 8000 on the treadmill. I probably wouldn't have though...time with the baby is far more important to me then 2000 steps on the treadmill. I will walk at lunch today and try to make up for it.

Weight loss to date:
I have a new "trick." I weigh myself on person #4 and if I don't like it I walk away. If I do like it I re-weigh myself on person #1 on the scale. I did not like this morning's...but I did not "use the bathroom enough" yesterday.

More to come...


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