Profile by Sanford Day 34
A Tuesday that felt like a Monday times 10!
I got so caught up in writing yesterday's post and getting through my emails that I finally looked up at the clock and it was almost 10am and I had not even had my first meal yet. I also was not hungry enough to do a double I had one and moved the 2nd one to the afternoon and replaced my fiber drink.
Meal 2: Tomato Soup with Balsamic Vinegar and 1 LFLC Cheese, Cooked Carrots and Celery. Raw Cucumbers with 2/3 of a LFLC Cheese.
Meal 6: A hodgepodge of leftovers. Because of the serving size of the proteins we had lots of 1, 2, and 3 oz portions of chicken, fish, and beef that were not getting eaten. So I had 2 Cauliflower Tortillas with 1/2 LFLC Cheese, a spoonful of slaw, a couple ounces of cod, and a couple ounces of chicken, and a bowl full of Asian Veggies with PB Powder Peanut sauce.
Challenges: Cold weather is still keeping us inside...but today it's supposed to be near 60 and Sunny all day. So I WILL WALK AT LUNCH....I WILL WALK AT LUNCH....I WILL WALK AT LUNCH. And I will have no excuse tomorrow (high of 71) or Friday (high of 69). So I will WALK OUTSIDE the rest of the work week.
Two ante dotes:
1. Eric made an awesome lunch for himself the other day that I forgot to mention and am wanting to try a variation for myself. He made a "taco salad" with Romaine, Profile Vegetarian Chili, Spices/hot sauce, Salsa Ranch Yogurt Dressing (, and Yellow Bell Peppers(cut into large pieces to use like Chips/Scoops). It looked and smelled good...but I am not a fan of the hot spices he I will try to attempt my own version soon.
2. Yesterday was the first day I actually physically notices my own weight loss, thus far. Maybe it was the shirt I was wearing...but it seemed to skim my stomach rather than cling to it. It was a big step/milestone for me.
Weightloss (yes I weighed again...but I will not again for a few days...I WILL NOT WEIGH MYSELF EVERY DAY!...I WILL NOT WEIGH MYSELF EVERYDAY)
I thought it noteworthy that after 34 days, I have lost 17 lbs. That averages to half a pound per day. Or about 3.4 lbs per week.
I think this is noteworthy in comparison to how I did on weight watchers 2 years ago. A 3 lb weight loss on a given week was HUGE for me then. And I was working out a lot more than compared to now. So if I can get my exercise up...why wouldn't I try to strive for 5lbs per week. If I did that I could be to my 1st "goal" by summer. I know that is extreme and probably unattainable. But it is something to look forward to or strive for.
Well I have been awake over 2 hours now...and haven't had anything to eat. I better go make my morning shake tea so I don't miss my meals like yesterday!
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