
Showing posts from 2016

Profile By Sanford Days 338-340

Food: I have tried very hard to stay on plan since last weekend's shenanigans. I ran out of shakes before my meeting yesterday so I had to use my fall back soups that I bought for my husband (but that he never eats). It was the 25g Broccoli Cheese Soup. Not for everyone based on the 25gms. But the profile store manager said that if I wanted to try the 25g products, that I should just count it as 2 shakes. I wasn't really looking forward to it since it meant not being able to have either of my 2 shakes, which I have come to love as my morning latte and my before bed "hot cocoa." But as Profile soups go, this one is soooo the best one. Since it was so filling and I was having it WITH my lunch (1 slice of whole grain bread, chicken salad, and spinach) I couldn't even eat the whole thing. Which I decided was a good thing since that meal would have consisted of 3/4 of my protein for the whole day. I saved half of the soup for dinner and boy am I glad I did. Dinner I ...

Profile by Sanford Days 335-337

Food: Well starting Friday I started making bad choices. I split a cookie with my work hubby at lunch on Friday. I ate a full salad with triple fats and a slice of my kid's pizza (on whole wheat crust though:) at dinner and ate a kids size portion of gelato. Saturday, I tried to stay on track before the Big Birthday Bash I was hosting. I knew going into it I was going off plan...with alcohol and ice cream cookie cake and the whole 9 yards. The menu wasn't really off plan (except the two previously mentioned items) but I know I did not watch the portion size. Instead of fixing a plate and sitting down and eating it...I was grabbing a bite of this and that between every shot glass size of the wine tasting AND I probably had more than 8 oz of wine. The day after I tried very hard to snap right back to plan. I did end up consuming one more 1/2 slice of the ice cream cookie cake and half of my little ones Planet Sub Pizza boat. Challenges: ^^^See above^^^ But also the sugar a...

Profile by Sanford Day 334

Food: Yesterday I forgot to pack my fruit for lunch and then never remembered to have it in the evening. I need to start paying attention more. I complain about being hungry but that is because I am forgetting what I have had and haven't had to eat. Yesterday I had a spinach salad with chicken, snap peas, and cucumbers for lunch. With some raisin bread and cheese for a snack later. For dinner it was green beans and pulled pork. Exercise: Other than yoga yesterday, I have been a sloth when it comes to exercise. It's the cold weather. I am just so un-motivated. I did vacuum the entire upstairs last night...but I am pretty sure my coach would find that laughable to count as exercise. I keep meaning to get up and do strength training, but sleep has been so deep and needed right now with everyone around me fighting off colds. I don't want to be sick this weekend or for xmas. Challenges: Did I mention a neighbor brought over Banana bread again? Ugghhh it seems to be one of my...

Profile by Sanford Day 333

Food: I had Steak Spinach Salad, Celery PB Powder, Apple, Chicken and Romaine. I was super hard up to find veggies...I let too many sit in the fridge too long and my asparagus and squash both went bad. I need to start filing them in order to keep so first in-first out. Sometimes I am just grabbing what's on top in the veggie the stuff on the bottom goes bad. Does anyone else have a "system" to keep from throwing out bad/old veggies? Other than just a basic weekly meal planning? Exercise: So my goal to get the heavy bag didn't happen. I found my free weights and resistance bands and brought them upstairs...but I sleep was sooo nice...and I got a full 8 hours!! So with the wind chills being below zero this week...I don't see me getting out to walk. I did do yoga today though. Challenges: Neighbor made the "kids" banana bread...I had two big bites of it last night. Ughhh...I used to be soooooo good at not cheating. Now it's like a da...

Profile by Sanford Day 331-332

Food: Lots of red meat lately. Trying to get over the sugar intake and need the iron for energy. The lethargy took 3 days to get over. Had steak for lunch and dinner(i think) on Monday, eggs for lunch on Tuesday,  and roast beef for dinner on Tuesday. Also took my vitamin B-6 and B-12 this morning to kick the slothness. The sugar withdrawal made me so hungry on Monday and Tuesday. I tried to curb the hunger with a SF Jello and FF Whipped Cream on Monday and on Tuesday I saved a fat and my fruit and had it as a mini meal when I was "starving." That seemed to help. I need to get in the habit of NOT eating everything I brought for lunch AT lunch time. I just had another steak salad...and I COULD have celery with PB Powder PB or the apple, or the slice of bread/cheese that I brought. Or I could recognize that the salad was pretty filling in the short term and SAVE my additional veggie, fruit, starch for the afternoon when I am starving waiting for my next bar. It might also ...

Profile by Sanford Days 327-330

Food: I have been seriously undermining my progress. Baked goods and other Holiday "baking" (I use quotes because the closest I get to baking is BUYING a gingerbread house kit and decorating it) have had me tasting and taking bites of way too many sugary treats. And I can feel the effects. I have been extremely lethargic. I have tried to stay true to the plan for everything else. I since I had too much sugar Sat and Sun, I limited my starch intake at my meals. Probably not coach approved to do so...but it made sense to me. If I had cookie frostings and bites of my kids cookies...I probably shouldn't have any potatoes or bread for dinner. Exercise: I have felt the effects of the sugar to the point that I walked over 15,000 steps on Friday and then on Sat, Sun, and Mon I have been too tired to do ANYTHING. My step counts this weekend (and probably today too) will only average around 5000. So my attempt to go 1 week without any cheats lasted less than 24 hours:) Where ...

Profile by Sanford Days 323-326

Food: I have to say I am starting to love eating again. An apple or half a banana feels like a treat! A SANDWICH made with a sandwich thin or 1 slice of whole grain bread is magnificent. I had no idea I missed fruit and bread this much! So hang in there peeps! When you get close to goal...eating becomes normal again. AND I am still losing. Maybe not as FAST....but I am still down 1 lb from last week and that INCLUDES Thanksgiving meal(s) and fewer exercising days. I hope after a week of being more committed to food and exercise that I will get this last 10lbs off by the end of the year! Now I already know that I have a big holiday/birthday party coming up in 10 I hope that I can loosen the reins a bit next Saturday while still being pretty tight on the reins before and after. Challenges: I allow myself to take bites of things I really shouldn't. A bit or two of my kids rice krispie bars, and extra couple of slices of their uneaten apples or bananas...telling myself th...

Profile by Sanford Days 316-322

Imagine my surprise when after the Thanksgiving Holiday where I indulged quite a bit...and only exercised 2 days out of my 5 day holiday weekend that I saw a nearly 5lb loss?!?! But alas, my excitement was short lived. Turns out the scale got bumped up onto the wall and was partially obscured by the bathroom floorboard/quarter-round. I was so excited there for a minute...but I reweighed myself on profile #4 after my walk this morning and it was back up to where it was before I should really be thrilled that I was able to MAINTAIN during this holiday. And I don't know why I didn't reweigh on MY profile #1 to wipe this one away. Maybe I thought it WAS right and I didn't want to "clear it." But now that I have had caffeine and it is not 5:15 in the morning, and I am thinking more I will contact my coach to have to cleared. My hubby, though he grumbled about it a couple of times, did me a solid and made a Profile semi-friendly T...

Profile by Sanford Days 311-315

Last Thursday morning after walking with my neighbor, I felt extremely sluggish. Something was just not right. When I came inside, I sat in the bathroom for a while thinking I was going to throw up. After a while I took a shower and then laid down on my bed, still in a towel, and passed out for like 2.5 hours. It was very bizarre. I had even eaten a little bit before my walk so as not to have a grumbling stomach during the walk...not sure if that was the cause or a medication/vitamin timing was off, or I was fighting(and maybe won) a bug coming on. I felt pretty low about my first week on adapt...weight seemed to hold steady and then jump up a little. But these last two days it seems to be trending down again. So my spirits are up leading into Thanksgiving week. I hope to walk a little extra on Wed, Thurs, and Fri of this week. Also my goal for Thanksgiving is to focus on veggies and faux fixings found on the Profile Recipies page. My mother is coming today and I hope that she will ...

Profile by Sanford Days 309-310

Adapt food changes include (for me) an extra fat serving, and extra 2 oz of lean protein, a fruit and a starch. Two less shakes and one more bar. My starches have been a small individual bag of skinny pop popcorn, a slice of whole wheat bread, or a sandwich thin. My fruits have been either a half of a banana or apple. Extra protein has been just chicken or an omelet. My extra fat is usually cheese. I am still working on a meal schedule. The meals are different sizes...smaller(bars)...bigger lunch...getting more like 3 meals with snacks instead of 6 meals....but I am still trying to space them out every 2-3 hours. I feel like I am eating all day. Exercise: Been walking in the mornings for around 1 hour and getting my 10,000 steps in everyday that I do get up and walk. I usually try to get up 5 days a week. I also went to Yoga yesterday over lunch. Weight:  - 86.3

Profile by Sanford Day 305-308

Food: Trying to find the lowest carb starches to curb any Adapt weight gain... Found the low carb wrap at Muscle Maker Grill. Whole Wheat Pizza crust was probably not a good choice last week. Eating whole honeycrisp apples should be stopped as I need to measure them. I had popcorn on Saturday. I don't think I even cashed in my starch yesterday now that I think back...maybe that is why I was SOOOO hungry last night. I need to go back to writing everything down until I get back into the swing of things. It is odd...but I am actually missing my shakes. Only having one in the morning and one at night is causing me to miss them during the day. Funny how much of a creature of habit I have become. Exercise: Got my steps in Friday and Saturday. Took Sunday off to sleep in. I have gone from 4 days a week now to a consistent 5 days a week on average. If I miss a morning during the week due to family obligations or oversleeping, I will make it up on the weekends. NSV: I am wearing ano...

Profile by Sanford Day 304

Second full day of ADAPT. I had a shake with tea for breakfast Then mid morning bar and apple For lunch I had a very large salad with spinach, snap peas, broccoli, and broccoli slaw with a scoop of FF Cottage Cheese and some nonfat/low carb dressing. For another snack I had celery with PBP Peanut Butter Late afternoon snack of a bar Dinner I had my first SANDWICH in 10 months! I used the yogurt chicken salad(the one from Costco) with extra chicken added, spinach, 1 laughing cow cheese, and a SANDWICH thin!! I was actually unsure if the sandwich thins are allowed yet...but will ask at my appt tomorrow. Took a bite of the kids' cupcakes as I was throwing the last of them away to get them out of the house. I counted it as a FAT:)...I know I know...that's not legit...but last night I didn't care. Ended my night with a hot chocolate shake. Challenges: I have really wanted a glass of wine the last few days. I know alcohol is not approved, but my coach has said that I...

Profile by Sanford Days 302-303

My starches the last two days were popcorn on Monday evening and last night I had 2 small pieces of whole wheat crusted pizza. (probably not approved and I will regret it later this week on the scale). First week of adapt is difficult. I feel hungry not having my timing worked out yet. It isn't even lunchtime yet...but I need to go have something as my stomach is turning. Maybe the whole wheat crust from last night isn't setting right. Though I am pretty sure that ISN'T the real reason. I am sorry this is going to be a short post today. I don't feel well/up to this. I just don't think there is enough Zoloft or Xanax in the world to get through my mood today. But I am aware of my moods affecting my food choices. There was chocolate drizzled kettle corn in the breakroom this morning and I had a mouth full while grabbing some cucumbers to get me through the morning with only a bar between morning shake and lunch. I know I should have had my fruit serving this m...

Profile by Sanford Days 291-301

WOW what a long time I have gone without a single post! Soooo Sorrry! Lots has happened though. Halloween was the WORST...candy, cupcakes, more cupcakes, did I mention CANDY...chocolate, peanut butter...the whole damn shebang! But get this...the week of Halloween was one of my biggest LOSES week yet. I lost 3.1 pounds between 10/28 and 11/4. I think I guilted myself into exercising a TON more due to missing several workout sessions previously and knowing that bites of kids cupcakes and candy were going to be my demise. Two separate neighbors brought us 4 cupcakes each!!!Technically only the 6yo should be eating all 8 cupcakes...I think my husband and I have had enough bites each to where we have consumed 1 each. The baby is only 21 months and should not be having this kind of sugar. I think she has only had the frosting off of 1/2 a cupcake. I told the 6yo that the 2-3 left are going in the trash I can no longer handle them sitting there. One of the same neighbors al...

Profile by Sanford Days 288-290

So sorry to be slacking this week. Work has been extra busy and the kiddos seem to be extra needy this week. I also have been a bit of a slug....not exercising all week until this morning. Food challenges EVERYWHERE I turn. I am getting a bit frustrated with myself and my lack of motivation and progress. Food: Monday: Had the Protein Power Plate at Zoe's Kitchen. (Chicken Breast over cabbage and onions) Tuesday: Asian Meatballs over Cauliflower rice a mixed Asian salad/slaw Wednesday: Pot luck at work. Greenbeans, Sloppy Joe meat, meatballs, raw veggies Challenges: POT LUCK AT WORK.....AGAIN!!! I walked away from all of the nasty stuff at the actual lunch...but the leftovers were put in the break room and when I went in there for water, I took a bite of cake frosting....ugghhh!! And I wonder why the scale isn't moving...Geez Louise, Meggs! Get a clue! Still have those darn brownies in the house too. I should just throw them out. The 6yo doesn't seem to ever want on...

Profile by Sanford Days 285-287

Food: Friday: Wendy's Salad with Chicken.(gave fruit to kiddo...ate around the blue cheese since I don't like it anyway) Saturday: Planet Sub Romaine Wrap(no cheese) Sunday: Cauliflower(instead of rice) Sushi Challenges: Cinnamon Rolls (TWICE)...once they were HOMEMADE!!! Brownies Pizza you name it...I was faced with it this weekend!! Exercise: Non-existent...I take that back...I walked Friday morning....But nothing on Sat, Sun or this morning: NSV: I bought a new pair of SKINNY black pants at costco yesterday in a 14. I am going back to get one in every color...and might even try a the 14s are even a bit baggie. Weight: Still yoing-yoing around the same number. I guess I have to get used to the scale not going as quickly as before. But the little "tastes" I am doing of sweets isn't helping anything either!   - 82.1

Profile by Sanford Day 284

Food: I had the 2 shakes in the morning. One was the plain chocolate, the other I made a pumpkin spice chai tea latte with pumpkin spice tea, chai tea, pumpkin pie spice, and a Profile Vanilla shake. For lunch I had the Profile cereal with Almond milk and cucumber slices with FF cottage cheese. For dinner I had leftover steak and green beans. Challenges: A couple nights ago a neighbor stopped over to welcome us to the neighborhood...(yes we moved in July;) and brought tomatoes from her garden and BROWNIES....I freaking LOVE brownies. I have been good...but I did taste a bite last night.'s all these little tastes that are going to derail me when I am sooooo soooo close to the finish line....which I know is actually the starting line for the hard work of maintenance. As my mom said when she lost her weight on Profile...losing it was the easy part...KEEPING it off has proven to be harder. Exercise: Walked Thursday and Friday morning at 5:15/5:25ish (yes, I need to ...

Profile by Sanford Day 283

Food: Potluck lunch at work...ugghhhh I brought a veggie tray and loaded up with salads, veggies with Bolthouse dressing and pulled pork and a piece of brisket with BBQ sauce Had a profile pizza with extra cheese and some zucchini for dinner. Challenges: Potluck...need I say more? I wanted sooo much to try almost every dessert on that table. But I hightailed it out of there!! Sleep: So I set my activity/sleep tracker to vibrate on my wrist rather than having audio alarms wake the rest of the house. There is a "Smart Alarm" that will wake you UP TO 10(or 20 or 30) mins early if you are in a lighter state of sleep rather than letting you slip back into a deep sleep to only be woken up by the alarm 10 mins later. I like I think it is easier to get out of bed...but what is happening is that I am being woken almost every morning at 4:52am...which makes me soooo sleepy by 8:30pm. I can't seem to get my "S" together to get to bed before even 10pm. W...

Profile by Sanford Days 281-282

Howdy all! I am super energetic this morning!!! I walked with the neighbor ladies, took my B Vitamin supplements and have had TWO servings of caffeine. Currently not even bothered by the fact that my daughter woke me up at 4:50am this morning! Just wait until I crash around 2:30 this afternoon though! Monday: Food: Out for a team lunch at a Mexican Restaurant...arghhh...chips chips chips every where you turn! I have a salad with their pork(should have gotten the chicken:(  ) with cheese, pico, salsa, and some sort of watery ranch dressing. I felt sick most of the afternoon. I swapped my lunch and dinner so I had a profile pizza and carrots for dinner. Tuesday: Food: Back to normal... I made a Turkey Burger with Cheese, BBQ sauce and FF Miracle whip wrapped in romaine for dinner. Challenges: Very difficult for me to find something to eat at a mexican restaurant that isn't wrapped in a tortilla and smothered with queso. They had probably 5 salads to choose from...but most ...

Profile by Sanford Days 275-280

I really have been MIA this week. Was in a training class last week and had a holiday. So I was away from a computer for most of the time. This past week has had more challenges than I care to regurgitate. With all of the "snacks" provided in the training class, to the lunch provided on Thursday (sandwich and chips)...I ended up going really too long without eating on a couple of those days. Thursday and Friday, I wasn't smart enough to pack my lunch...assuming I could get salads and protein sources where I was going. Finally on Friday around 1:30pm I ran into a Whole Foods and got a to-go container of veggies off their food bar to eat in the car. I always had my shakes I wasn't going without eating at all. But I stayed true to the big win for me with all of the challenges....That is until the weekend rolled around. My in-laws were in town and wanted BBQ. I was pretty good that night...took just one small bite of a piece cornbread.  Otherwise...

Profile by Sanford Day 274

Food: Crudite with dip Dinner was asparagus, cauliflower crumbles, and pre-packaged meatballs Challenges: In training this week with pastries and fruit offered at the morning break, and cookies and veggies offered in the afternoon. I have limited myself to the veggies...but oh my LORD did I want one of those cookies!! My neighbor made us banana of my favorites. The baby who is normally the crabbiest baby ever thought it was hilarious to shove pieces of banana bread in my mouth. Weight: Didn't weigh today...going to try to limit myself to twice a week.

Profile by Sanford Days 269-273

Sorry work has been crazy and one kiddo has been sick. I have not been keep up with this Blog. Food: Thursday Night...I can't remember Friday a hurry to get out the door for an event and threw some leftover chicken on some romaine with Bolthouse ranch and called it dinner Saturday night: ATE at IKEA!!! Had their smoked Salmon, mixed greens and just a tiny bit of the dressing. It was actually REALLY GOOD! Sunday night: Scallops with grilled zucchini and this Asian slaw mix. Challenges: Friday night: Was a frenzy of child pick ups, drop offs, and events. I had only 10 mins to throw my own dinner together before heading out and doing drive through for the oldest kid. We were so behind she didn't end up eating until we got to the final event. So because I took 10 mins to eat myself I ended up having to spend $12 on one hot dog and a lemonade. UGGGHHH. The rest of the weekend went pretty well. I did sleep in on Sunday and rolled my eyes at myself for doing so ...

Profile by Sanford Day 268

Food: Last night we tried a new place to eat...we have been watching this place like a HAWK...willing it to open ASAP. And it finally opened on Monday, so we tried it for dinner on Tuesday. Its tagline is "Great Food with your Health in Mind" With a name like Muscle Marker...I was hoping that it would be EXACTLY what we needed to stick to Plan. But unfortunately...just like Zoe's Kitchen...even though it is LOW carb...almost everything is still wrapped in a Tortilla or made with some sort of grain/rice/whole wheat pasta. I settled for one of their Salads...I was pretty bummed that I STILL had to order a salad. And right now looking at the nutritional facts this Lean & Mean Salad had an asstonishing 41gs of fat...I am not even sure how that is possible? The sprinkling of (REDUCED FAT)cheese was WAY less that the .75 ozs in our allowed cheese serving. The Premium ground beef must have had a pretty high fat %. Next time I will try the...

Profile by Sanford Day 267

Protein shift: Scoop of FF Cottage Cheese on my salad at lunch Dinner: 4oz (instead of 5oz) Chicken breast with mixed veggies and asparagus. Challenges: So I changed my schedule the last few days to move a protein source closer to my morning walk. I do think it helped yesterday. I will say that I woke up VERY hungry this morning...and I blamed it on having less protein for dinner last night. But luckily with my new schedule I could have a shake almost immediately. (I didn't walk this morning due to hubby being called into work at 5am and not wanting to wake the kiddos up at 5:15 to walk with me in the dark:). I sort of slept until about 6:45am...on and off since 4am. And then had my first shake at 8:30am. Today I have a light meeting schedule so I should be able to test out my new meal schedule without interruptions. Exercise: Like I said did walk yesterday morning...but not this morning. I do have plans to hit Yoga today over lunch though. Lord knows I need the calming and s...

Profile By Sanford Days 264-266

Meals: Friday: Lunch at Smashburger. Had the spinach and goat cheese salad with grilled chicken. Saturday: Lunch at Planet Sub. Had the Planet Sub romaine wrap hold the mustard and cheese. Dinner my hubby made me a mixture of butternut squash zoodles, brussel sprouts, peas, and another veggie I can't was pretty good! Sunday: Fish taco lettuce wraps and asparagus. Challenges: Lunch at Smashburger...wanted fries, wanted Hagen Daz shake, wanted anything but a salad...but alas. The crappy thing is that it comes with so much crap on it...seeds/nuts/cheese/dried cranberries/dressing on the side. So once I eat around the seeds and nuts and use no dressing because the cheese already counts as my fat...what is left? Spinach, Cucumbers, Chicken and Goat Cheese. Promised my daughter ice cream...and of course we go into the ice shop that makes their own cones and amazing homemade mixed in ice cream flavors. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Lunch at Planet Sub....

Profile by Sanford Days 262-263

Food: Dinner on Wednesday: Steak and Brussel Sprouts with Balsamic Vinegar Lunch on Thursday: Had a work event that served lunch...Had too many burger/sliders wrapped in lettuce and tomatoes and cheese. Challenges: Lunch that was served on Thursday included fried chicken tenders, fried chicken fillet sandwiches, potato chips, filled donut holes, tortilla chips with queso dip, Guacamole, and salsa, and beers. This was probably one of the hardest events I have been too...sooo little to choose from. THE ONLY vegetables were the lettuce and tomatoes meant for the sliders. I loaded my plate with lettuce and a few tomatoes and made essentially lettuce wraps. But they were small and two was not enough. When everyone else was snacking on nachos and donut holes...I went back for two more sliders. Probably more than my allotted ounces... Exercise: I walked Wednesday and Thursday morning and did the under desk elliptical on Wednesday. After talking with my coach on Thursday, I decided to t...

Profile by Sanford Days 260-261

Food: Dinner  Monday Night: Braised Short Rib, Cauliflower Mash, and Green Beans Tuesday Night: Grilled Chicken, Broccoli Slaw, and Butternut Squash Lettuce Wraps with BBQ/Mustard sauces. Challenges: I know I have bitched about this before...but getting up so early and exercising is making me HUNGRY!! Waking at 5:30 and not eating until 9:30 is torturous. I think I am going to have to adjust my schedule a little bit. This whole schedule thing is just driving me nuts...if I eat too early in the AM, I am HANGRY in the afternoon. If I eat too late in the morning...I am dragging and cranky in the morning. But I do need to do a better job of spacing things out. Last night for dinner I was not at all hungry and only ate part of my dinner. I ended up eating the rest AND my last meal replacement at like 9:30pm.  Current Schedule: (not exact based on meetings and kids schedules...but close) 8am - Caffeine 9:30 - Meal Replacement 11:30 - Veggies and meal replacement ...

Profile By Sanford Days 257-259

Food: Friday Night Dinner: I have no idea...Leftovers maybe... Saturday Night Dinner: Cheese Burger in Lettuce wrap and roasted broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower Sunday Night Dinner: Scallops, Asparagus, Profile Noodles/Butternut squash zoodles and pumpkin spaghetti sauce cut with chicken broth. Challenges: Had a swimming/dinner/movie night at a friends house on Saturday. I knew they were grilling burgers so I brought my own head of Romaine. She was kind enough to know I was eating "healthy" and roasted some vegetables along with the tater tots:) I did okay. But the kiddo's didn't eat hardly any of their burgers so I ate part of each of them (one had cheese on it which probably put me over on my fats and PROTEIN allowance) so as not to make it look like we came over for dinner and then threw everything they served us away. She also made tons of popcorn and had rice krispie treats for snacks...ughhh I wanted both really bad. But only had a small bite of a rice ...

Profile by Sanford Days 254-256

Wow! What a slacker I have been this week on blogging. Not intentional...just seems that when I get in front of a computer; I get distracted by FB, emails and!! This week's dinners have consisted of: Tues: Zoe's Kitchen's Protein Power Plate Wed: Cauliflower Crust Pizza, pizza sauce, meatballs, and cheese Thurs: Grilled Chicken, Broccoli, Profile Noodles, and cheese Challenges: Exhaustion...makes me hungry. So I know that it is probably something that is obvious to others...but I am just starting to realize that when I over-do-it or have a sick child during the night that interrupts my sleep....the whole next day I am hungry and craving carbs for energy. Caffeine used to be enough...but I think my body is starting to get used to/dependent on it just to function. Exercise: Walked an hour in the AM and attended Yoga classes on Tuesday and Thursday.  Weight: Still stalling out hovering around -75. I am starting to get frustrated with this 2-w...

Profile by Sanford Day 253

Food: Lunch was leftover veggies...a mix of green beans, asparagus, zucchini, yellow squash, and butternut squash. Dinner was fish taco lettuce wraps with shredded cheese, broccoli slaw, FF sour cream, and salsa. Challenges: Same woman is still bringing in baked goods and leaving them in the break room. I give her crap about it every day...she just laughs and tells me how strong I am. There are days I want to...nevermind...that's not nice. Have a fellow profiler (Hey Steph!!) coming back home for a visit and we are headed out to dinner at my hubby's restaurant. I hope I can make a better selection this time than I did last time! At least it will be easier with both of us supporting each other and not ordering trigger foods in each other's company. Exercise: Hit 11,100 steps yesterday! Which was good since I didn't come even close over the weekend (though I sweated my tail off at the soccer fields both days!!...but I guess sitting and yelling isn't really all...

Profile by Sanford Days 250-252

Food: Dinners: Friday...I have no idea (Maybe leftover steak and asparagus...??)              Saturday...Literally ate all the meat and veggies that were on my kids' plates that they had refused to eat over the past few days. I felt like a garbage disposal.              Sunday: We had burger lettuce wraps and green beans Challenges: Dunkin' Frickin' Donuts...I promised the oldest that if she helped me out Saturday morning with a pretty big and long task, we would swing through and get her a donut on the way to her soccer game(and a little sugar rush might put a pep in her step during the game...). Well, did you know that DD now has PEANUT BUTTER filling in their new donuts...Mother of all that is holy...PB and Chocolate are my kryptonite. Well, since I was buying the older one a donut, I had to get an order of munchkins for the little one...and I should have stopped there...but no, I ordered a chocolate and PB d...

Profile by Sanford Days 248-249

Food Wednesday for lunch I had a lunch to attend at a BBQ joint. It wasn't on the menu but I asked if I could get a side salad as one of my sides. They were happy to oblige.  So I had (probably too much) brisket, pulled pork, and burnt ends with a side salad and green beans. Last night for dinner I made roasted squash and zucchini and cheesy chicken sausage. I threw my leftover profile noodles on top and  was pretty excited about the meal Challenges I had a meeting over lunch yesterday where the host of the meeting graciously ordered sandwiches from Jimmy Johns. I had to lie and say I ate before the meeting. But was starving by the time I got to my real lunch. Eating at a BBQ place is hard....white bread, cheesy corn and mac and cheese... Musings: Do you ever find yourself judging other people's food choices, now?  I was at lunch with another friend who had a couple years ago gotten the gastric by-pass sleeve. She lost a TON of weight and looks great...but she o...

Profile by Sanford Days 246-247

I have no idea what happened to just blew by. Monday night we went to Red Robin for dinner. I tried to stay away from the fries...I did have a bite...okay 2:) Tuesday night we just didn't have a dinner plan ready. I made the kids dinner of cheese quesadillas, a different vegetable each, and deli ham. I ate leftover vegetables and  proteins that were sitting on kids' plates from previous uneaten meals. It was pretty sad. I later had to have a cheese stick wrapped in deli ham as the leftovers were not enough. Heading to a lunch meeting I will have my veg and protein meal at lunch and then my profile meal replacement and veg for dinner. Exercise: I walked a short amount Monday AM, and walked an hour Tuesday AM. I didn't make it to Yoga on Tuesday due to a meeting. It was storming this morning so we didn't make it out and I will miss Yoga tomorrow. So I really need to get up in the morning to walk to keep this trend going. Weight: I did j...

Profile by Sanford Days 243-245

Food: See Challenges:) Challenges: Friday started the 4 day long celebration of my Husband's 40th birthday! Friday night we went out to dinner at a very nice resturant. I tried to stay on plan by having a fish appetizer and a fish with vegetables entree. The Entree including the vegetables had to have pounds of butter on it, though. I skipped my last meal replacement to try to make up for it. Saturday, hubby had to work so I was able to stay on plan all day. Sunday night we went out to dinner for his favorite...SUSHI. I asked if there were any rolls they could make without rice(some places will do that). But no...not this place. I had a few pieces whole and then started tearing the rolls apart and scraping out the rice...and I wasn't paying close enough attention to realize some of the rolls I ordered had FRIED crab or lobster in had to pull that part off, too. Tonight we are going to Red Robin, soccer practice, and then home for cake...I can usually do okay at R...

Profile by Sanford Day 242

Food: Profile Pom Green Tea Chocolate Shake Profile Pizza with a slice of ham and extra cheese Green beans dipped in honey mustard Chocolate Shake Chicken Sausages, Snap Peas, and Profile noodles with LF Laughing Cow Cheese. Caramel Cocoa Bar Frozen Blended Chocolate shake Challenges: Events: My husband's restaurant had a FREE Wine and Food event last night. My mom and her friend were in town and really wanted me to go with them. I wanted to go...but I felt like the temptation would have been too great. Everyone is always saying..."you can have a little". But a little of leads to a lot...or just throws my system into reverse and takes DAYS to get it going on track again. Luckily, I couldn't find a babysitter in that short of notice, so I had another excuse. Does being on plan and trying to stick to it make other people feel anti-social? Birthdays: My husband and mother's birthdays are coming up. With my mom and her friend visiting we took advant...

Profile by Sanford Day 241

Food: Caffeinated Pom Green Tea Chocolate Shake Cinnamon Cereal (forgot almond milk...AGAIN) Chocolate Shake Spinach, Broccoli Slaw, snap pea salad with Panera salad dressing   Celery with PB Powder PB Caramel Cocoa Bar Mixed Green Salad with Balsamic Dressing(???) Chicken, Prosciutto,  and Cooked Spinach Blended Chocolate Shake Challenges: No cake or donuts today...woot woot! My mom and a friend of hers came into town and we had dinner at my husband's restaurant. Difficult finding much on the menu that was within plan. The chicken I ordered ended up being fried...and I didn't know it when I ordered I pulled off all the skin and just ate the chicken. Exercise...though I did walk was storming this morning and I rolled over and went back to sleep. Was still tired as the kiddo had a bad dream and woke me up at 4am. Weight:....had a very crazy morning and did not weigh. Should have though as I have my profile appt today. Oh well!

Profile by Sanford Day 240

Food: Caffeinated Profile Pom Green Tea Beverage Profile Chocolate Shake Profile Cereal...forgot to bring my almond milk so used some Chocolate shake for my "milk"!! Profile Chocolate Shake Spinach, Romaine, Snap peas, Broccoli slaw salad with Bolthouse dressing Profile Cocoa Caramel Bar Chicken Breast (marinated in something??!? ) and green beans with Profile Rosemary Balsamic dressing(NOT my favorite) Blended with ice Profile Chocolate Shake with PB Powder Mini Babybell Cheese Challenges:Finally off the steroids for the lingering breathing actually saw a change in the scale! Yea! Baby woke up crying at 4am...seriously thought about turning my alarm for 5:30am off...but I didn't!! CAKE in the break room for someone's work anniversary. Bastards! But I inspected the cake and the frosting was that crappy whipped kind(not the nice buttercream kind) so a little bit easier to walk away. But the situation made me think about the future...and how of...

Profile by Sanford Day 236-239

Long Labor Day Weekend...challenges a PLENTY! Can't think of anything I ate that was new or out of the ordinary. I am pretty sure I stayed on plan 90% of the time. I did eat some dark chocolate out of a seed and dried fruit mix my kid was going to throw away, I had a bite of the other kid's protein packed Cliff bar, and a bite of not-so-great-totally-not-worth-it fruit pizza at a Labor Day BBQ. Yesterday I finished up the last of my steroid I hope the scale starts reacting positively. So 6 days of a steroid and a new inhaler...I hope to start walking again tomorrow morning. We spent a lot of time at the pool this weekend...trying to soak it up. So Friday night I had to hit the drive thru for the kiddos. I abstained and came home to leftover bbq salmon wraps. Win! Saturday we stayed in which was unfortunate since the weather was sooo beautiful...but I had a chore list a mile long and I wanted it done. Kids didn't help my list of 7 things too...

Profile by Sanford Days 234-235

So I have been slacking on my posts this week! Not intentional...just busy, I guess! Food: I tried the new Oatmeal Raisin bars at my appt yesterday...actually kind of liked them...but they are 10g I probably won't be buying them until Phase 2. Haven't tried anything else new that I can remember in the last few days. Challenges: Damn Donuts in the office this morning...and they won't stop talking about that they are hot and fresh of the conveyor belt from Krispy Kreme....uggghhh pure torture. My sweet tooth is in overdrive this week....feel like I am ducking behind walls just to avoid looking at things I will regret eating. Health: So I told you about new meds. I plan to put them to the test today and walk over lunch. We will see if this inhaler and steroids have fixed my issues. If not, call back into the doctor! NSW: Had my last appointment with Amanda yesterday. She is moving on to bigger and better things. But we did measurements and she told me that...

Profile by Sanford Days 232-233

New Food: Hubby made me a "SANDWICH" last night. It was a spoof on IKEA's new salmon sandwich. He made me a "Bun" out of two Profile Pancakes. Which meant I needed to hold off on one of my meal replacements during the day. It was fine...I had celery and PB Powder PB instead. The sandwich was yummy. BBQ'd smoked salmon, veggie slaw (broccoli slaw mix with FF Miracle Whip and honey mustard), and sliced beets. Challenges: Well you have heard(seen?) me bitch and moan about the Upper Respiratory Infection for weeks now. I made it through my antibiotics and other than the plateau on the scale, no real issues. We except for the sharp pain in my lung when walking with the ladies. Well...that didn't go away. So I decided to do something more low key and went to a Yoga class yesterday instead. (Well, to be honest, my PLAN was to do both...but thunderstorms and both kids waking me up during the night made my 5:30am alarm laughable.) Anyway, I digress...I attend...

Profile by Sanford Day 229-231

- 70.42 It has arrived....that damn elusive 70 mark!!!! I hit 69 over 2 weeks that two week plateau had been driving me NUTZ!! I also walked again this morning! Trying to kick start my arse into gear. New Food: We tried a new place for lunch on Sunday called Zoe's Kitchen. LOTS of healthier options. Will be our new "go-to" place from now on. The options that are low carb AND fat are limited. But it will be the perfect place when we are both on stage 2 and 3. Challenges: Getting up nearly 2 hours earlier to walk with the neighbor ladies has added a hunger challenge to the equation. So my "new" schedule had me pushing breakfast back to 9:30am so I don't get so hungry in the afternoons...But now after being awake at 5:30am...I am STARVING by 7:30am. I snacked on some of my lunch veggies on the drive in this morning...which helped a bit. But I will need to back even more veggie snacks the rest of the week AND reevaluate my schedule. I may need...

Profile by Sanford Day 228

Food Yesterday: Half a Krispy Kreme Donut 8am: Profile Pom Green Tea 9:30 Shake 11:30: Salad with Bolthouse dressing 2pm: Profile Cereal with Almond milk 4pm: Shake 5:30pm: Peanut Chicken with Green beans and Brussel Sprouts with Balsamic 9pm: Shake and Bar Challenges: Getting used to my new schedule...and trying to work it around meetings. Email just sent out to the whole floor that there are donuts brought in again today...luckily I am on a conference call and they are on the other side of the floor....and the guilt of yesterday's fiasco still lingers. Exercise: I got up this morning and walked!! I still had a pain in my lung...but it wasn't as severe this time. So here is a weird but good thing...sitting is causing my tailbone to hurt. It was bothersome for a few days...but then I realized WHY? My arse is smaller/less padded back there. WHICH is an awesome thing. It is also making me sit up straighter to relieve the pressure on the tailbone. I have had awful...

Profile by Sanford Day 227

So I am sure you are all at the edge of your seat wondering if I ate that donut yesterday....well...I didn't eat it......yesterday. Instead...oh the sat in my car overnight and I ate the top off of it this morning on the way into work and threw the bottom half away in the trash...oh I am so embarrassed. It wasn't even fresh. My plan was to leave it as a surprise for my kiddo for breakfast this morning(hence why I took it home). But this morning was overly hectic, because I overslept again, and caused the baby to cry because I wasn't out of the house and she saw I forgot/didn't want to go back into the house and cause more drama. Food Yesterday: Meetings screwed up my new schedule...but I was still not starving in the afternoon. I think breaking up my lunch into two separate meals helps too. 8am: Profile Pom Green Tea 9:30ish:Shake 11:30: Shake 12:30pm: Salad with Dressing and Celery with PB Powder PB 2:30: Profile Cereal with Almond milk ...

Profile By Sanford Day 226

HELP ME!!! MY FAVORITE KRISPY KREME DONUT is sitting on my desk.... I want it ba d...I want it soooo bad. But do I want to hit that 70lb mark this week: sitting at   - 69.76    this morning.  And I hit my snooze alarm and didn't walk with the neighbors. I think part of my issue is that with my new "schedule" I haven't had breakfast yet.  I will not touch the donut until I have had at least 1 shake.  So anyway...I will ignore that donut sitting 2 feet from me for now.  Yesterday's Food: 8am:  Caffeine 9:30am: Shake 10:20am: Veggies and PB Powder PB 12:30: Shake 1:15: Shake 4pm: Bar 7:45pm Salad with chicken and Bolthouse dressing 8:30pm: Shake Challenges: My Profile coach got a great new job and has only a little over a week left. I am 30lbs away from my goal...and have to start with a new coach. I am thrilled for her(Go, Amanda!) but apprehensive about who I will get next.  I have not been able to get myself to bed early...