Profile by Sanford Days 232-233

New Food:
Hubby made me a "SANDWICH" last night. It was a spoof on IKEA's new salmon sandwich. He made me a "Bun" out of two Profile Pancakes. Which meant I needed to hold off on one of my meal replacements during the day. It was fine...I had celery and PB Powder PB instead. The sandwich was yummy. BBQ'd smoked salmon, veggie slaw (broccoli slaw mix with FF Miracle Whip and honey mustard), and sliced beets.

Well you have heard(seen?) me bitch and moan about the Upper Respiratory Infection for weeks now. I made it through my antibiotics and other than the plateau on the scale, no real issues. We except for the sharp pain in my lung when walking with the ladies. Well...that didn't go away. So I decided to do something more low key and went to a Yoga class yesterday instead. (Well, to be honest, my PLAN was to do both...but thunderstorms and both kids waking me up during the night made my 5:30am alarm laughable.) Anyway, I digress...I attended a Yoga class over lunch and on two separate occurrences, I had to sit down, because I was starting to black out. So after that I's time to call the doctor. Of course one of the ladies I have been walking with has me convinced that I have Lung Cancer...but that is just my paranoia reeling its ugly head. So I snagged a doctor appointment yesterday afternoon. I had a chest x-ray that was clear and my doc prescribed 5 days of steroid and twice a day inhaler to try to open up my airways. Saying it is common after a URI to have a delay in the lungs inflammation returning to normal. I am to take it "easy" and call her by the end of the week if my symptoms have "vastly" improved. Called itReactive Airway Disease. It can be confused with Asthma...but it's slightly different somehow.  So more to come on that...

SOOO many clothes including (very expensive) bras going into the donation pile...I have held on to so many things thinking I could just wear a belt...but it didn't occur to me what things would look like belted or that don't HAVE belt loops.
I am also trying to wear every skirt I own between now and the time the weather changes. Everyone at work is like..."WTH?"(as I have NEVER been a skirt wearer in the past.)

down and up...but mostly down :) : - 71.09


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