Profile by Sanford Day 213

I now seem to start my days double or triple fisting my beverages. Yesterday, I even had a coworker comment on how many drinks I was carrying to my desk from the break room.
1. Water...always water 2.Caffeine...really digging the Profile Pomegranate Green Tea (though I am not thrilled with the price...I am sure I can find a caffeinated flavored drink mix at the store that costs less).3. Breakfast...chai tea and chocolate shake.

Second Breakfast was a bowl of Profile Cinnamon Cereal. Problem was I forgot to bring my almond milk to I made up my lunch shake and poured a little bit of it over the cereal. I am not one of those people who can do water on cereal or dry cereal. I guess I could have eaten it like chips or crackers and had it dry...but with the tiny little rice krispies...that would have been difficult.

For lunch I had the rest of said shake and 1/3rd of a celery stalk with PB Powder PB. I always know that just having Celery for my vegetable is never a good idea(I am usually starving a couple hours later)...but I also had forgotten my Salad dressing...and I was not about to eat a dry salad!

I had to eat my bar earlier than I like...but note what I said about celery for lunch. So by the time I got home I was hangry...Oddly so were my I hurried to get them a snack so we could rush out the door to swim lessons. That is when I made the realization that we have no "snacks" for me in the house! There were no raw veggies for me to grab. I found some leftover cooked green beans...but I was less than thrilled eating them cold. I split a cheese stick with the baby...

I was EVER so grateful that the hubby got off work early and offered to have dinner ready when we got back from swimming. He made me chicken meatballs with a cauliflower "rice" mixed with sauted onions and peas. It was just what I needed to curb that hangriness.

Before bed I had my frozen shake with 1.5 servings of pistachios. 

So most of my challenges have been hunger related....and my lack of planning to have what I need at work and for evenings on the go. It will only get worse as school starts next week and the big one has soccer, swimming, gymnastics, or dance almost every night. I need to be better prepared to easily feed myself.
My goals for this week (see Amanda, I can still set my own goals even when I miss my coaching session) is to get my needed dressings to work and pack at least 5 grab bags of mixed veggies for late afternoon snacks to make it until dinner. Also need to meal plan better with the hubby so that on nights with events that the dinners are prepared and ready for the microwave before or after big one's evening activities (btw, what is wrong with me...I said after last year we would not be doing this...2 events at a time..NOT 4!!) But swimming is over at Labor Day. We may have to drop one of her gymnastics or dance classes...

Weight: Still in the right direction... - 68.44


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