Profile by Sanford Day 204

Not much going on yesterday. I stayed on plan and tried to push the water.
I think I need to start recording my exact food again...that seemed to keep me more aware of my food consumption. So here we go!

Meal 1: Profile Chocolate Shake mixed with chai tea
              Profile Pomegranate Green Tea
Meal 2: Profile Cinnamon Cereal with Almond Milk
Meal 3: Profile Chocolate Shake, Spinach, Arugula, and broccoli slaw salad with Goat Cheese and 35 calorie Honey Mustard dressing. 
Meal 4: Profile Caramel Cocoa Bar
Meal 5: Turkey Burger on Romaine with 1 LF Laughing Cow Cheese and BBQ sauce. Green Beans.
Meal 5: Profile Chocolate Shake with PB Powder

See...just writing it out showed me that I had one too many freebies and not enough fat. I know that when I restrict my fats I don't lose weight.

Challenges: Still recovering from my carb consumption from last weekend. I think I officially (but unintentionally) kicked my body out of ketosis. Today, since I am working from home I have no excuse to not stay on plan.
Baby is also home sick with me today...not so much a food challenge...but added stress. I think I will do a yoga session tonight after I get her to bed. One of the good behaviors she has when she is that she sleeps...a lot! Last night she slept 13 hours! I got all the laundry folded and mine put away!

Weight is still hovering:  -62.71
I need a kick start...


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