Profile by Sanford Day 205
Food consumption:
Meal 1: Profile Chocolate Shake mixed in Hot Chai Tea
Meal 2: Profile Chocolate Shake
Meal 3: Profile Cheese Pizza with additional Cheese and some little bits of leftover steak. Spinach, Arugula, and broccoli slaw salad with 35 calorie Dressing
Meal 4: Bar
Meal 5: "Chicken Salad" Lettuce wraps. I made these with FF Miracle Whip , Broccoli slaw, chunks of chicken breasts, a few edamame, and 14 pistachios wrapped in Romaine. Very good...highly recommend.
Meal 6: Profile Chocolate shake with ice and a scoop of Halo Top Ice Cream
Took the older kid to Sonic as a treat...and I really wanted a frozen limeade...but the frozen one's don't have a "diet" option. So plain old diet limeade for me.
Was sooo fried after a very stressful visit to the dentist with the sick bebe in tow. She was not a happy camper. I sooooo wanted a cocktail after getting home...but again...not on plan. Late in the day I started feeling crappy (needless to say, I did not get even a yoga workout in last night) and woke up this morning with said bebe's cold...awesome.
I am notorious for making workout proclamations and then getting sick before I even get started...this happens a few times a year, I swear.
Walk into work this morning and there are THREE PANS of cinnimon rolls...not even in the break the CUBE across from me. I am pretty close to asking to be moved. The aisle I sit in is famous for their treats they bring in. It's only Wednesday...and this is the 2nd treat of the week...shoot could have been the third since I worked from home yesterday and wouldn't have known!
Exercise: HA! But I did spend a few minutes yesterday pricing under desk ellipticals. I think I found the one I want...can be used sitting or standing and is on Amazon so I can use my credit card reward points. I was also recently told that if I apply for an Amazon Credit Card that they do specials every so often with like $50 off a large purchase...I could totally save money on that.
Weight: I didn't weigh this morning...but will tomorrow morning.
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