Profile By Sanford Day 211

Profile Pomegranate Green Tea (always need an extra pick me up on Monday Mornings)
Shake with Tea
Spinach and Mixed Green salad with Broccoli slaw, broccoli, cucumbers, Bolthouse caramelized onion dressing
"Patty Melt" Romaine wrapped burger, with cheese, caramelized onions, Bolthouse dressing and Green Beans with balsamic
Frozen shake

Food review: I picked up a new dressing at a grocery store over the lunch hour yesterday. It's okay...but I brought it home to use on burgers...onions just don't taste right to me on a salad. Plus we needed something creamy/thousand island-y for the "Patty Melts"

Challenges: Still battling this awful summer cold. I had to run to Target to get a script for my eye and since I was over there I stopped at Profile to pick up my weeks food and cancel my coaching session for Tuesday. I don't want to spread this crap anymore than I already have.
...I still want comfort food when I am sick. I want real soup and club sandwich...or mac and cheese...or just a cookie. Anything to make me feel good for even a couple of minutes. Still too sick to have any motivation to work out. Tomorrow morning I am supposed to start walking with the new neighbor ladies...but I could hardly get out of bed this morning...I am not sure if it's going to happen this week.

Weight: I should have weighed this morning...but I didn't remember until I had already had at least 12oz of a beverage...I refuse to weigh myself unless it is on a completely empty stomach first thing in the morning.


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