
Showing posts from August, 2016

Profile by Sanford Days 232-233

New Food: Hubby made me a "SANDWICH" last night. It was a spoof on IKEA's new salmon sandwich. He made me a "Bun" out of two Profile Pancakes. Which meant I needed to hold off on one of my meal replacements during the day. It was fine...I had celery and PB Powder PB instead. The sandwich was yummy. BBQ'd smoked salmon, veggie slaw (broccoli slaw mix with FF Miracle Whip and honey mustard), and sliced beets. Challenges: Well you have heard(seen?) me bitch and moan about the Upper Respiratory Infection for weeks now. I made it through my antibiotics and other than the plateau on the scale, no real issues. We except for the sharp pain in my lung when walking with the ladies. Well...that didn't go away. So I decided to do something more low key and went to a Yoga class yesterday instead. (Well, to be honest, my PLAN was to do both...but thunderstorms and both kids waking me up during the night made my 5:30am alarm laughable.) Anyway, I digress...I attend...

Profile by Sanford Day 229-231

- 70.42 It has arrived....that damn elusive 70 mark!!!! I hit 69 over 2 weeks that two week plateau had been driving me NUTZ!! I also walked again this morning! Trying to kick start my arse into gear. New Food: We tried a new place for lunch on Sunday called Zoe's Kitchen. LOTS of healthier options. Will be our new "go-to" place from now on. The options that are low carb AND fat are limited. But it will be the perfect place when we are both on stage 2 and 3. Challenges: Getting up nearly 2 hours earlier to walk with the neighbor ladies has added a hunger challenge to the equation. So my "new" schedule had me pushing breakfast back to 9:30am so I don't get so hungry in the afternoons...But now after being awake at 5:30am...I am STARVING by 7:30am. I snacked on some of my lunch veggies on the drive in this morning...which helped a bit. But I will need to back even more veggie snacks the rest of the week AND reevaluate my schedule. I may need...

Profile by Sanford Day 228

Food Yesterday: Half a Krispy Kreme Donut 8am: Profile Pom Green Tea 9:30 Shake 11:30: Salad with Bolthouse dressing 2pm: Profile Cereal with Almond milk 4pm: Shake 5:30pm: Peanut Chicken with Green beans and Brussel Sprouts with Balsamic 9pm: Shake and Bar Challenges: Getting used to my new schedule...and trying to work it around meetings. Email just sent out to the whole floor that there are donuts brought in again today...luckily I am on a conference call and they are on the other side of the floor....and the guilt of yesterday's fiasco still lingers. Exercise: I got up this morning and walked!! I still had a pain in my lung...but it wasn't as severe this time. So here is a weird but good thing...sitting is causing my tailbone to hurt. It was bothersome for a few days...but then I realized WHY? My arse is smaller/less padded back there. WHICH is an awesome thing. It is also making me sit up straighter to relieve the pressure on the tailbone. I have had awful...

Profile by Sanford Day 227

So I am sure you are all at the edge of your seat wondering if I ate that donut yesterday....well...I didn't eat it......yesterday. Instead...oh the sat in my car overnight and I ate the top off of it this morning on the way into work and threw the bottom half away in the trash...oh I am so embarrassed. It wasn't even fresh. My plan was to leave it as a surprise for my kiddo for breakfast this morning(hence why I took it home). But this morning was overly hectic, because I overslept again, and caused the baby to cry because I wasn't out of the house and she saw I forgot/didn't want to go back into the house and cause more drama. Food Yesterday: Meetings screwed up my new schedule...but I was still not starving in the afternoon. I think breaking up my lunch into two separate meals helps too. 8am: Profile Pom Green Tea 9:30ish:Shake 11:30: Shake 12:30pm: Salad with Dressing and Celery with PB Powder PB 2:30: Profile Cereal with Almond milk ...

Profile By Sanford Day 226

HELP ME!!! MY FAVORITE KRISPY KREME DONUT is sitting on my desk.... I want it ba d...I want it soooo bad. But do I want to hit that 70lb mark this week: sitting at   - 69.76    this morning.  And I hit my snooze alarm and didn't walk with the neighbors. I think part of my issue is that with my new "schedule" I haven't had breakfast yet.  I will not touch the donut until I have had at least 1 shake.  So anyway...I will ignore that donut sitting 2 feet from me for now.  Yesterday's Food: 8am:  Caffeine 9:30am: Shake 10:20am: Veggies and PB Powder PB 12:30: Shake 1:15: Shake 4pm: Bar 7:45pm Salad with chicken and Bolthouse dressing 8:30pm: Shake Challenges: My Profile coach got a great new job and has only a little over a week left. I am 30lbs away from my goal...and have to start with a new coach. I am thrilled for her(Go, Amanda!) but apprehensive about who I will get next.  I have not been able to get myself to bed early...

Profile By Sanford Day 225

Well I am excited to say that my schedule switch up from yesterday worked wonders...why on earth did it take this long for me to figure this out?!?! 8am - Profile Pomegranate Green Tea 9:30am - Shake with Tea 11:30am - Lunch of salad, veggies and Profile Cereal 3pm (plan was 1:30pm...but forgot to make shake before a series of meetings) - Shake 5:30pm - Dinner: Scallops and Brussel Sprouts 8:30pm - Bar and Shake Now not exactly the schedule I was shooting for...and will try to do better today...though I have an appointment from 11-1pm. So that will mess with my lunch schedule. I am thinking of having lunch for breakfast and that way I can just bring shakes with me to my appointment. Challenges: Raising daughters when I have low self esteem. I have been so conscious of my own issues and trying so hard to make sure these issues don't get passed down to my daughters. My husband and I never speak of Profile as a weight loss plan. We talk about it as "Eating Healthy....

Profile by Sanford Day 220-224

I am not really sure what happened last week...I blogged for Monday and Tuesday and then the rest of the week I just didn't have my act together. I will blame the fact that it was the first few days of school for the 1st grader...but truthfully that wasn't all that time consuming for me! I think part of it was my weigh-ins flat lining. My coach assured me that it very well could be the medication I am on, as antibiotics will cause weight gain or make it hard to lose weight. As far as food goes...I stayed on plan and had my normal rotation...but I did try something new on Saturday. The hubby bought the girls these "Frozen" frozen bags of cheesy pasta and peas. And it kicked up my Mac and Cheese craving. So here is what I tried to do to handle that. I used those 5 calorie soy noodles (like the ones Profile sells...but he bought them at Whole Foods) and all of my fat servings for the day in shredded and LF laughing cow cheese...the flavor was EXACTLY what I

Profile by Sanford Day 219

Meals: Shake with Tea Cereal with Milk Substitute Shake Crudités with 2 Laughing Cow Cheese Leftover Steak and Green beans and honey mustard Frozen Shake with PB Powder Challenges: I lost my bottle of antibiotics and missed a dose. Finally found them in the folds of the stroller...fell out of my purse at soccer practice Monday night. But this started a whole chain of events that long story short made me stop and redirect my next meal. I had stopped by the Profile store as I was out of bars and pizzas...and as I was leaving my coach said "Enjoy your pizzas" and I said "I am going straight home to have one for lunch..." But as I was pulling out of the parking lot I realized I had already had a bowl of cereal for what I like to refer to as "2nd Breakfast" so I really should have another shake for lunch...not a pizza. And this also made me think that in order to get my stalled weight loss a swift kick in the rear...I should go back to all shakes in...

Profile by Sanford Day 218

Food: Shake with Tea Profile Cereal with milk substitute Shake and Salad with Cucumbers and Bolthouse Dressing Celery with PB Powder PB Grilled Glazed Chicken and Green beans Frozen Shake Challenges: These antibiotics are doing a number on my body...I won't go into details...but I am wiping this week off as I am not losing weight and am always hungry. I am feeling the burn from my walk yesterday morning. I decided to hang back from the ladies who walk at fast pace at 5:15am. I think sleep is a better idea until I get this infection under control. Weight: gained a pound over the last 4 days...not thrilled at all. This damn weight better drop off once I am off my antibiotic.  

Profile by Sanford Day 215-217

Food: Every day: Tea with Shake Profile Pomegranate Green Tea Shake Profile Pizza with extra Cheese and 1 slice of deli ham and a mixed green salad with Panera raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Bar Dinner Frozen Profile Shake (sometimes with PB Powder or almond milk or a scoop of Halo Top Ice Cream ) Dinners: Friday Night: Rotisserie Chicken and mixed Veg of cauliflower, broccoli slaw, broccoli, onions, and peas. Saturday Night: Chicken "Salad" on romaine leaves. Rotisserie chicken, cucumbers, pistachios , and FF Miracle whip. Sunday Night: Steak, Asparagus, Mixed green salad with Beets, goat cheese and Profile Dressing. Food reviews: In my quest to find a way to drink more water I have tried the following "tricks" this week. I cut up oranges and limes and let them soak in a water pitcher in the fridge. Not bad...but note that letting it sit and "ferment" for nearly a week...not so great. I have also been on a quest to find a cheaper ...

Profile by Sanford Day 214

Meals 1. Pu-erh Tea with Chocolate Shake and Pomegranate Green Tea 2. Chocolate Shake 3. Green Beans and Profile Pizza with Extra Cheese 4. Bar 5. Pulled chicken/pork/brisket on a bed of cauliflower/peas/onions with BBQ sauce 6. Sugar Free Jello 7. Frozen Chocolate shake with Halo Top Ice Cream scoop . I reached my goal for next week already. After going to the doctor and getting an Rx for this Upper Respiratory Infection...I bought a bunch of snacky type vegetables (Celery/mini cucumbers/snap peas/carrots) and laughing cow cheese. I made up enough containers to take with me every night the big one has an activity. While I was at it I created a grab bag of semi healthy snacks for the kids at the same time. There is nothing worse than a recovering from illness, hungry 18mo old in this heat...the crankiness factor is off the charts... And since most of the big one's activities are right before or during the witching hour or dinner...I need to be prepared for anything! Whe...

Profile by Sanford Day 213

I now seem to start my days double or triple fisting my beverages. Yesterday, I even had a coworker comment on how many drinks I was carrying to my desk from the break room. 1. Water...always water 2.Caffeine...really digging the Profile Pomegranate Green Tea (though I am not thrilled with the price...I am sure I can find a caffeinated flavored drink mix at the store that costs less).3. Breakfast...chai tea and chocolate shake. Second Breakfast was a bowl of Profile Cinnamon Cereal. Problem was I forgot to bring my almond milk to I made up my lunch shake and poured a little bit of it over the cereal. I am not one of those people who can do water on cereal or dry cereal. I guess I could have eaten it like chips or crackers and had it dry...but with the tiny little rice krispies...that would have been difficult. For lunch I had the rest of said shake and 1/3rd of a celery stalk with PB Powder PB . I always know that just having Celery for my vegetable is never a good...

Profile by Sanford Day 212

Meals: 1. Shake with Tea and Profile Pomegranate Green Tea 2. Shake 3. Profile Pizza with extra cheese and Brussel Sprouts with Balsamic 4. Bar 5. Pulled Pork with BBQ Sauce. Spinach, Broccoli Slaw, Brussel Sprout Salad with Honey Mustard Bolthouse Dressing.   6. Frozen Shake with PB Powder Challenges: Went to an open house for a new dance and gymnastics studio for the kiddo. They served food...and 2 of my all time favorites. Pizza from Johnny's and Subs from Mr. Goodcents. Not to mention the cookies, rice krispie bars and the like. Fortunately they also catered in a local BBQ I have a big spoonful of pulled pork with BBQ sauce and then made myself a salad when we got home. I did lick my fingers a few times will pulling the pizza into small bites for the bebe...oh it was sooo tasty. Did I mention recently that I miss real pizza?!?! Weight: Downward trending again...funny how that works...staying on plan and losing weight:)   - 68 

Profile By Sanford Day 211

Food: Profile Pomegranate Green Tea (always need an extra pick me up on Monday Mornings) Shake with Tea Shake Spinach and Mixed Green salad with Broccoli slaw, broccoli, cucumbers, Bolthouse caramelized onion dressing Shake Bar "Patty Melt" Romaine wrapped burger, with cheese , caramelized onions, Bolthouse dressing and Green Beans with balsamic Frozen shake Food review: I picked up a new dressing at a grocery store over the lunch hour yesterday. It's okay...but I brought it home to use on burgers...onions just don't taste right to me on a salad. Plus we needed something creamy/thousand island-y for the "Patty Melts" Challenges: Still battling this awful summer cold. I had to run to Target to get a script for my eye and since I was over there I stopped at Profile to pick up my weeks food and cancel my coaching session for Tuesday. I don't want to spread this crap anymore than I already have. ...I still want comfort food when I am sick. I wan...

Profile by Sanford Day 208-210

Food: On Sunday Hubby was making pancakes for the kiddos for breakfast. I attempted and did pretty well at mimicking his creation. I used a Profile pack of pancake mix, added a scoop of PB Powder, and one scoop of Profile chocolate shake mix. I also added about half a pack of Stevia sweetener. I used a waffle iron instead of pancakes. I did use yogurt based butter spread and some maple syrup as they were still very dry...but man, did it ever feel like I was having a real Sunday breakfast with the family. I used the rest of the packet of shake to make my morning tea and shake mix and also started making and drinking fruit(oranges and limes) infused water. It wasn't orange juice...but it still gave me that citrus flavor that I was missing. I am sure I could have added the rest of the stevia to it to make it more like limeade...but I didn't think of that until just now! I took some alone time on Sunday to do back to school shopping. So I missed lunch...but had ice water, a shak...

Profile by Sanford Day 207

Meals 1: Chocolate Profile Shake with Tea 2: Chocolate Profile Shake 3: Profile Pizza with Brussel Sprouts and Balsamic 4: Bar and Fiber Drink with Sparkling Water 5: Turkey Meatloaf with Ketchup and Asparagus with Balsamic 6: Frozen Shake with PB Powder Challenges: Still Sick and now the whole family is sick. I have been noticing that I must have been a stress eater without realizing it. As I was having some strong cravings tonight while dealing with these two cranky kids on my own. I really wanted a sweet treat to sit down and enjoy in silence by myself. But that wasn't going to happen. Instead both kids fell asleep in my bed while I waited "patiently" for hubby to get home and move them. I must have been one of those people who used food for everything. Stress, Celebrations, Rewards, etc. And wasn't conscious of it. I always tried to watch for things like that...but I somehow was unable to see it. The one thing that this plan has done for me is to make m...

Profile by Sanford Day 206

Food: Meal 1: Hot Profile Chocolate Shake with Chai Tea Meal 2: Profile Cinnamon Cereal with Almond Milk Meal 3: Spinach, Arugula, and Broccoli Slaw Salad with Goat cheese and 35 Calorie Dressing . Carrots, Celery, and Broccoli. Meal 4: Profile Bar, Profile fiber drink with sparkling water Meal 5: Turkey Meatloaf with Cauliflower and Bell Peppers Meal 6: Frozen Profile Chocolate Shake Challenges: Remember the 3 pans of cinnamon rolls...turns out that was just a precursor to an entire room full of food. People kept asking me to join and stop being anti-social. I went into the room added carrots, celery and broccoli to my salad and quickly left. Being sick with a cold also brings cravings of carbs and comfort food. Also post nasal drip also makes my tummy growl. I also need so much more water than normal. Last time I got sick I lost a lot of weight. Maybe this is the jumpstart I needed. Weight: Yea! Moving in the right direction again!  - 66.46

Profile by Sanford Day 205

Food consumption: Meal 1: Profile Chocolate Shake mixed in Hot Chai Tea Meal 2: Profile Chocolate Shake Meal 3: Profile Cheese Pizza with additional Cheese and some little bits of leftover steak. Spinach, Arugula, and broccoli slaw salad with 35 calorie Dressing Meal 4: Bar Meal 5: "Chicken Salad" Lettuce wraps. I made these with FF Miracle Whip , Broccoli slaw, chunks of chicken breasts, a few edamame, and 14 pistachios  wrapped in Romaine. Very good...highly recommend. Meal 6: Profile Chocolate shake with ice and a scoop of Halo Top Ice Cream Challenges: Took the older kid to Sonic as a treat...and I really wanted a frozen limeade...but the frozen one's don't have a "diet" option. So plain old diet limeade for me. Was sooo fried after a very stressful visit to the dentist with the sick bebe in tow. She was not a happy camper. I sooooo wanted a cocktail after getting home...but again...not on plan. Late in the day I started feeling crappy (nee...

Profile by Sanford Day 204

Not much going on yesterday. I stayed on plan and tried to push the water. I think I need to start recording my exact food again...that seemed to keep me more aware of my food consumption. So here we go! Meal 1: Profile Chocolate Shake mixed with chai tea               Profile Pomegranate Green Tea Meal 2: Profile Cinnamon Cereal with Almond Milk Meal 3: Profile Chocolate Shake, Spinach, Arugula, and broccoli slaw salad with Goat Cheese and 35 calorie Honey Mustard dressing.  Meal 4: Profile Caramel Cocoa Bar Meal 5: Turkey Burger on Romaine with 1 LF Laughing Cow Cheese and BBQ sauce. Green Beans. Meal 5: Profile Chocolate Shake with PB Powder See...just writing it out showed me that I had one too many freebies and not enough fat. I know that when I restrict my fats I don't lose weight. Challenges: Still recovering from my carb consumption from last weekend. I think I officially (but unintentionally) kicked my body out of ketosi...

Profile by Sanford Days 200 - 203

Food Consumption... I went off plan again...what is wrong with me?!?! We have such wonderfully sweet new neighbors...bringing goodies by to welcome us. First the chocolate chip cookie bars...I had one a week ago. Then on Friday, our next door neighbors stopped by with a FRESH, SOFT loaf of homemade honey oat bread. It was the most amazing thing ever! I tried really hard not to have any. We very rarely even have bread in the house. We will buy a package of hamburger buns and keep them in the freezer for the kids when we have burgers. My oldest was so excited for this gift of a loaf of bread she asked for a PBand J right then and there. How could I say "no"? The poor girl has had to put up with our lack of bread in the house. It's not to say we have made her go carb free...she still has tons of different kinds of fruits, berries, and cereal for breakfast. We do have tortillas pretty often too. Anyway back to this bread. I made them each a half sandwich...but I ended up e...